Cost Of Living

There's a large population of people living in albergue transitorios as well. Pensions basically. Those 50 yr old waiters have also been doing it for 30 or 40 years, assuming they've stayed at the same restaurant -- and a lot of them do -- imagine how much the restaurant would have to pay in indemnizacion if they fired them -- job security is practically assured in this country once you've been at a company for so long.
To lead a respectable life in this city - you need your rent paid for ( inlcuding building expenses and furniture etc) + health insurance paid for ( unless you wanna use only public hospitals) + 15000 pesos in hand for general expenses/goingout/planning weekend escapades/going on dates/taking classes/eating out/enjoying life in general.
Ceviche, my sister earns 8500 apart from rent (she owns an apartment in Colegiales) and she lives very well.
If I wanted to live a comfortable American lifestyle I could choose to stay in LA, where my parents will pay for my rent and my college and my food, where I can work less than 20 hrs a week and that will give me more than enough money to go out and travel and stuff, I'm not planning on moving to Argentina to live the LA life or even an easy life, I'm moving to get experience with real life, to make stories, to have things to say, to write, to live, to survive and to learn about what's really important in life...America is blinding me from that...
If I wanted to live a comfortable American lifestyle I could choose to stay in LA, where my parents will pay for my rent and my college and my food, where I can work less than 20 hrs a week and that will give me more than enough money to go out and travel and stuff, I'm not planning on moving to Argentina to live the LA life or even an easy life, I'm moving to get experience with real life, to make stories, to have things to say, to write, to live, to survive and to learn about what's really important in life...America is blinding me from that...

Wow, did I sound that naive when I was 20? Ok, I do appreciate what your self thinks it needs. If this was my 20-something self and the older me could give this younger me advice this would be it: Stay in LA, work 50 hours per week while you go to school full time. Live with your parents. Save every last cent you can save. Once you get your degree take a portion of that money and put it into a separate account. Move to BA (or wherever). Work, scrounge, scratch, claw, etc. You might make it. But once that money runs out go back home and get a real job.

But I can tell that this advice will fall on deaf ears. When I was 20 my dad was the dumbest guy I knew. What an idiot! He didn't know sh*t! But now that I'm almost 50 it amazes me how smart the old guy has gotten in 30 years!
When one is so busy just trying to survive you don't have the time or inclination to think about what's really important in life. Until you face death, either yours or someone else's.
The best to place to look for what's important is inside yourself. In stillness. IMHO (and that of the Dalai Llama).