Dealing with noisy neighbour in an apartment block

well I'm pretty sure it's a girl living on her own and she happened to have the bf over last night. Tonight it's all quiet on the western front. BUT at about 8pm, I heard that odd banging sound again. I'm convinced she's got herself a pogo stick or something or she does step aerobics.

I'm definitely in the "waiting and watching" mode at the moment. My gf (argentine) says if it happens once, twice more in a short period of time, that we should go and speak to the doorman and ask him generally, without mentioning names or apartment numbers, and see what the procedure is for this type of thing. They might actually be strict about this sort of thing.

yeah, right....
mini said:
It's fertilizer! All good. Plus it's only one horse.... how bad can it be? (says the girl from the city, not to be confused with CityGirl. ;) )

Horses are ideal for grass-trimming, weed stomping, and fertilizing. They are efficient, quiet, and cheap - run on grass, not gasoline.

We borrowed three and a half horses (one of the mares is expecting) from our next door neighbor to keep weeds down and the grassy area around the house fertilized. They do an excellent job, plus they are lovely to watch as they graze placidly, swishing their tails. The new foal should arrive in about a month - we can hardly wait.
SaraSara said:
Horses are ideal for grass-trimming, weed stomping, and fertilizing. They are efficient, quiet, and cheap - run on grass, not gasoline.

I used to do the same when I lived in a house with an enormous garden in a remote part of rural Norfolk in England.

I'm sure one of those ponies was an alien abductee. Look at it this way: one evening it was inside a securely fenced, hedged and gated garden and the next morning it was twenty metres away the other side of the securely fenced, hedged and gated garden blissfully munching on the neighbouring farmer's summer crop.

How on earth did it get out? Abduction by aliens who had had a slight malfunction with their matter transmitter seemed the most logical explanation at the time. The pony was apparently unaffected by the
experience and how I eventually recovered the pony forms the core of Red Dressing Gown Story number one. If you CBA to read Red Dressing Gown Story number one you'll have to find it for yourself. Go to google, select groups/groupos then enter "Red Dressing Gown Story No1" in inverted commas exactly as I have written it with no gap between "No" and "1". And don't say I didn't warn you.
so I go to bed last night all happy that she was quiet...and she GETS UP AT 2.30 AND PUTS HER MUSIC ON!!

thankfully, after ten minutes, it went off again, so now I'm convinced she must do some odd nightwork shifts.

but seriously, who gets up at 2.30 in the morning and thinks it's in any way a normal thing to do to put on blaring music. The mind boggles at the total lack of social savoir-faire of some people. :mad:
Horses are quite inventive when it comes to getting to the good stuff. My last horse was a master at it. The day he arrived, we put him in his stall at night, slid the bolt shut and left for the night.

I arrived at the barn the next morning to find him happily wandering around - apparently he knew how to jimmy the bolt out with his mouth and had happily set himself free, as well as some of his buddies:eek:

And ponies are very prone to wiggling under fences as well as jumping over them if the mood strikes :)

sarasara - ooooh, foals. They are soooo adorable!
It was Thursday night. That's previa time. Usually 11 pm to about 3 am. My college age neighbors do it just about every Thursday Friday and Saturday, sometimes it gets so live that I join ;). But we're all the same age so we understand each other better I guess.

I'd politely go talk to your neighbor and ask them if they can keep it down a little, usually they will look a little embarrassed, apologize and generally keep the noise down.

I would also get a copy of the " Reglamento de Co Propietarios " from your landlord. It outlines what the norms in the building are.

Hope you get a good nights sleep.

esllou said:
but seriously, who gets up at 2.30 in the morning and thinks it's in any way a normal thing to do to put on blaring music.
my first rathole had the woman below leaping from her rocker every time i traversed the floor cheap cheap...resounds the invasive warble of argentine construction...
I'd like to resurrect this thread to share my experiences over 13 years living above a noisy neighbor who refused to respect quiet hours. I tried talking to her personally, sending emails, tapping on the floor, and getting our administrator involved. Our building rules specify the hours in the afternoon (2-4pm) and at night (10pm-8am) that quiet is maintained.

The noise includes loud conversations/arguments with her girlfriend at all hours of the night (she is partially deaf and wears a hearing aide), cutting the grass in her garden at night, listening to her girlfriend's screaming orgasms, two Yorkshire terriers barking all night long when left alone outside, and a huge flat-screen television on all hours of the night right below my bed when she wasn't home.

What you can do:

1. talk to your neighbor about the noise, as was suggested in this thread.
2. get a copy of the reglamento for the building that specifies the hours of quiet
3. Keep a log of events and what you did.
4. call 911 - for an official inspection at your apartment by police
5. File an official complaint "denuncia" with the police.

I changed my lifestyle routine because it was impossible to fall asleep at night until this woman slammed closed the metal patio doors, lowered the wooden cortina with squeaky gears, and turned off the television. Consequently, my hours of sleep were adjusted to 2:00am to 10:00am to coincide with hers.

For the past year, I've been blasted by her television almost every night of the week. I sent emails to our Administration that were ignored. After 10 months of complaining, I decided it was time to take action after 13 years.

I went to the police station on May 5 to make a complaint. I was told to call 911, which I did immediately. The police arrived, entered my apartment to do an "official inspection" of the noise problem and then went to her door, but she didn't answer. A report was made on the spot outside my building and which I signed. Three days later I received a phone call interview for more details. This past Monday I received a request for interview by personal delivery to appear today at 11:00am at the offices of MINISTERIO PUBLICO FISCAL on Bme Mitre 1735, 4th floor. I gave my sworn statement in the course of 90 minutes along with showing photos and videos on my computer to substantiate the problems. The next step is MEDIATION. If the problem persists after that, I have recourse for legal proceedings in court against her.

I know it's not easy for any English-speaking foreigner living in the city who doesn't have a good comprehension of the language to take action against a noisy neighbor. But it can be done. The police attendant who took my complaint asked, "why don't you just move?" That doesn't solve the problem of a neighbor with a total lack of respect for others in the building and the neighborhood block where people get up at 6:00am to go to work. Her "reign of noise" has continued since she moved in 15 years ago, acting more like she lives in the country than the city.

After I filed a complaint at the police station, I returned home and discovered that she filed a complaint against me in Comuna 3; that mediation hearing is June 4 at 12:00pm. All I have to do is present a copy of my sworn statement taken today that details the 13 years of noise I've endured. I will be interested in hearing what complaints she has about me.

I encourage anyone with a chronic noisy neighbor problem to begin documenting the occurrences and having another neighbor witness them. I got my neighbor next door involved in this by telling him about each occurrence and asking him to listen to the loud television that caused the walls to vibrate.

I know her name because it is listed on the monthly expense report. A goggle search provided her DNI and CUIT, and the address and telephone number of her kiosko business.

I'm going to distribute a copy of my four-page SWORN STATEMENT to every resident in the building, owners and renters, so they are informed about my complaint and hope that other offenders will pay more attention to the quiet hours.

When talking one day about the noise situation to an owner, she said to me, "you can't say anything." That's the way many Argentines think. And they suffer in silence instead of doing something to remedy a situation.
This thread and all the comments just made me LMAO!!

This is Argentina's noisy everywhere here....everyones noisy, because everyone else is noisy. Argentines roll this way, especially in the big cities. You should come to my block where I live LOL. Forget trying to get anything done about it....they probably don't get why your so upset about it. Noise really doesn't bother argentines...because it's the way it is here...they are numb to it. You need to deal with it and just get used to it.....or move to Santiago del Estero or something. Honestly....I think argentines prefer life to be "noisy"

Buenos Aires te mata <------this is what they say ;) It should say "Si capital no te mata, Argentina te mata!"

I can hear my neighbor taking a dump everytime he hits his toilet, especially since his bathroom and crappy plumbing is right in the wall above my headboard! He frequently wakes at 1AM to 3PM ( ever notice that? In Argentina it's backwards, from like 8 until 12 midnight, it's dead. After 12:00 watch out this place COMES ALIVE!!!

Anyways I digress

He frequently wakes at 1AM to 3AM singing tango ( he has a preference for Juan D'Arenzo and Carlos Gardel ) singing at the top of his lungs. My other neighbor is a "Catamarqueño" from Catamarca. He's a lover of Folclore Argentino ....."Zambas" and Cuecas.....he's also a raving drunkard and is the argentine version of Homer Simpson....the absolute worst neighboor. He comes home from the Boliche parks his car out front and blares "El Chaqueño Palevecino" at full volume while sitting in his car. Then his wife comes out and screams at him ( she's like 500 pounds and cusses like a sailor. They constantly fight and my wife and I laugh cause we hear everything they say and fight about through the walls of my home. I mean....all night long. They only wake up to eat, then they are right back to fighting again.

Then there's the kids across the street and their: 8pm to 6am techno raves twice a month....all night long: bm-bm-bm-bm-bm-bm

Another kid, 2 doors down from me has a drum set and loves to bang on his drums alot of times not only late at night, but during siesta hours on saturday and Sunday afternoon...

People regularly walk by my place at all hours of the night and touch the doorbell or throw crap in my yard, sometimes at my house. In my old apartment where we used to live...I'd be sleeping and at like 3AM we'd here "WHAM" "WHAM" some jerk off walked by my front door and just decided to give it a big kick...scared the bee-geezerz" outta us ( door went right out to the street )...this happened several times....maybe they were trying to break in LOL. Across the street was a can't believe how incredibly rude, obnoxious people are taking their kids to school. 7Am talking loudly, yelling, honking the freaking horns ( they do that all night too here...honking horns ) ....And sometimes the school would hold functions or events like concerts and stuff...always until like 5 or 6 am at least. One time I went out my front door and a guy was parked in front of my apartment and had his front door open, holding his 2 year old there, in the street, next to the sidewalk, pants down, letting the kid piss all over the place right in front of my door....welcome to Argentina. Dog crap right in front of my front door ( everywhere actually ) Call the police all you want, they don't really care. I mean, everywhere I've lived's been the same. I live near a sports stadium so when there is a football game? Don't even get me started. Drunks leaving the bars at night on the avenue passing my house heading down the street singing and screaming, breaking bottles and stuff. I mean.....I could go on and on, like every day, every night......this is Argentina! It's like this just about everywhere....if you have people around you. They have no concept of "privacy" "personal space" or how or what they are doing might affect others around them. They don't think about's just not an issue here with's cultural, it's no big deal to them. Surely after 13 years here you've seen this by now, you aren't used to this already? Their ARE exceptions but by and large: It's how they roll here. They don't care if their are rules....they love to break them. Don't let rules and regs stop argentines LOL...

Think it's bad where you live....try living next to a school or above a busy shopping center or crowded street corner.....!!

I'm surprised...I mean this is (((Argentina))) you learn to deal with this stuff the first 6 months you're here LOL.
My neighbour here in Mexico told me a joke the other day: "¿Por qué las mujeres fingen el orgasmo?" Porque creen que nos importa. ;)