Don't Worry About Inflation

There are quite a few in political science that categorize Menem (and others like Salinas from Mexico) as neoliberal neo-populists.

Yep, even Fujimori is considered as neo populism. I wonder what kind of empathy could Menem have with Peron? Maybe the charisma, but besides that, the relationship with the masses was totally distant, he used to play golf with the bankers, I mean, thats not popular, he had a very close relationship with the concentrated economic groups, privatizated, took debt, that was not even close to the original populism.
Yep, even Fujimori is considered as neo populism. I wonder what kind of empathy could Menem have with Peron? Maybe the charisma, but besides that, the relationship with the masses was totally distant, he used to play golf with the bankers, I mean, thats not popular, he had a very close relationship with the concentrated economic groups, privatizated, took debt, that was not even close to the original populism.
Definitely charisma and probably popular reforms. Neo-liberalism was quite popular in the 90ies - until people realized what the actual results are.
he used to play golf with the bankers, I mean, thats not popular, he had a very close relationship with the concentrated economic groups, privatizated, took debt, that was not even close to the original populism.

Basically the same as the K's, and Peron, and basically every populist ever.

BTW didn't menem run as a peronist, cultivate nestor k as a political ally when president? Isn't he currently a senator for Kretina's party?
Basically the same as the K's, and Peron, and basically every populist ever.

BTW didn't menem run as a peronist, cultivate nestor k as a political ally when president? Isn't he currently a senator for Kretina's party?

No Peron and Cristina never showed themselves close to the bankers, to the economic power. They ever showed themselves against this people. They were the enemies. Thats the base of their policies. menem showed himself as a friend of this people, the ministers were the CEO of the most important companies, the same people that rules the country economically ruled the country politically. It was the exact same people. That was an important change of the Ks, that they put people who put some limits to these companies. Of course the Ks might have friends of some private investments, such as Barrick Gold, or Chevron, or some others investments that are related to government, but their speech is based on the fight against the most important economic actors.

Nestor and Cristina were Menemistas -not 100%, but yeah, they supported Menem as governors. They did not complain of Menemismo, thats why I dont trust them that much, because despite of having 100% opposite policies than Menem, they agreed with him. They lack of moral authority in this matter. Thats why I vote always for some leftist who opposed to Menemismo and like some of the stuffs the Ks have done. Zamora, Altamira, Lozano. In more than 10 years of Kirchnerismo, with its mid term elections, I never (ever!) voted for them. I liked some very important policies, though.
, but their speech is based on the fight against the most important economic actors.

But isn't that the mark of a populist? To speak out against those economic interests from those balconies looking out over balcarce while the same interests are passing you duffle bags filled with 500 Euro notes via paseo colon.

But isn't that the mark of a populist? To speak out against those economic interests from those balconies looking out over balcarce while the same interests are passing you duffle bags filled with 500 Euro notes via paseo colon.


yes as I said you will always have private investors related to every government. If not its pure State like socialism, which its not. But this Ks government decided to fight against a lot of important political and economic actors at the same time. Its not only Clarin who they are fighting with, there are lots of enemies aligned behind Clarins back.
Menem populist? are you crazy? it seems I was making a valid point now?. University & too much left wing theory + ideology. There is a tendency amongst some of the locally educated youngsters here in Argentina to disconnect from reality & 'label' and theorize a bit too the point where they feel wholly justified in shutting down any opposing views, free press, judiciary, opposing political voices etc etc.. their brains have been 'massaged' & molded by the Montonero ideology...even if it's unconscious, it rears it's ugly head every where you go in this country.

The open hostility shown against entrepreneurs & the business class is unmatched..the Politicos know only to well how to market to the local left leaning 'political consumers' here, they CAPITALIZE & thrive on it. It is seen as culturally 'cool' & 'socially acceptable' to hate an 'Empresario'. In our language here, the term 'Empresario' actually carries a negative connotation..They are raised that way from kindergarden right through to university. The education system is infected with ideology from the 50s, it is a hotbed of disgruntled Socialists & pro communists. No wonder Cristina can get away with such wild & wacky populist economic improvisation.

The irony is that in the end, we end up selling our a$$es to the multinationals for nothing. The Vaca Muerta/YPF fiasco is a good example, Cristina in her desperation to cover up for the energy mess she made before the elections, gave away our sovereignty & vital resources under hidden contractual clauses that only favor Chevron.
Yep, even Fujimori is considered as neo populism. I wonder what kind of empathy could Menem have with Peron? Maybe the charisma, but besides that, the relationship with the masses was totally distant, he used to play golf with the bankers, I mean, thats not popular, he had a very close relationship with the concentrated economic groups, privatizated, took debt, that was not even close to the original populism.

Golf know no class barriers!
As was mentioned in one of the very first posts, the shades of grey are endless. Yet too often when one shade of grey erres toward instability the violent backlash brings about a completely different - yet equally undesirable problem. Argentina has been kicking itself from black to white to black again for a very long time. We can't foresee the adequate conditions for an equilibrium of sorts to be restored nor can we know when this equilibrium will take place.

Discussion does help to reach an equilibrium but only when all sides actually listen to each other - which means that all sides must accept that the others, too, want what is best for the people and the world. This however is yet another shade of grey as we realize that there are multiple and often contradictory "bests." Thus, as is often lobbied for, yet rarely achieved, compromise springs up as a catch-phrase once more.

Is compromise possible this time around or will we continue to see the pendulum swing back and forth?

I don't wish to sound fatalistic but we're all just tiny fish in a big pond, some fish may be bigger than others but none are fishermen and none truly knows how the pond really works - this includes those in power.