Don't Worry About Inflation

The HDI list and ranking seems more credible to me in order to evaluate poverty and quality of life than just GINI, where you have Poland ahead of Canada and Estonia ahead of Australia. If I used your method to evaluate poverty, I guess I'd be telling all Canadians to move to Gdanski because life there would be better, no?

No that's not the point at all. My original argument was that GDP growth has to be viewed in conjunction with GINI, or it's too misleading, and that we shouldn't look at any single statistic (like inflation) on its own. In this case, Rich asked about high inflation and growth, I said look at the GINI too and you'll get a better idea about how the inflation is affecting growth. Why do you want to add other (admittedly flawed) variables that have negligible effect on growth? Then your argument was that HDI is more accurate than GINI which is utterly impossible. Why are you grasping at straws?
No that's not the point at all. My original argument was that GDP growth has to be viewed in conjunction with GINI, or it's too misleading, and that we shouldn't look at any single statistic (like inflation) on its own. In this case, Rich asked about high inflation and growth, I said look at the GINI too and you'll get a better idea about how the inflation is affecting growth. Why do you want to add other (admittedly flawed) variables that have negligible effect on growth? Then your argument was that HDI is more accurate than GINI which is utterly impossible. Why are you grasping at straws?

I think you lost perspective of my point. I was not arguing about the whole discussion about inflation vs. growth. I just commented on your point about Chile and Peru being "stuck in poverty" despite the low inflation when in fact, those countries experienced remarkable, breathtaking even, social improvements over the past 2 decades. My comments where focused solely on that point.
No that's not the point at all. My original argument was that GDP growth has to be viewed in conjunction with GINI, or it's too misleading, and that we shouldn't look at any single statistic (like inflation) on its own. In this case, Rich asked about high inflation and growth, I said look at the GINI too and you'll get a better idea about how the inflation is affecting growth. Why do you want to add other (admittedly flawed) variables that have negligible effect on growth? Then your argument was that HDI is more accurate than GINI which is utterly impossible. Why are you grasping at straws?

If the INDEC inflation rate 10 %, was correct still Argentina would have an immoral rate of inflation, one of the highest rates in the world.....!! I rest my case.... chau
Here's my 2 cents,which depending on where you look at it could be 3 cents or 1 cent lol
i never needed anyone to tell me how much inflation there was since the days i could afford a calculator.
I do my own projections annually on expenses and i compare them,my numbers are nothing like what the gov't say(indec).
However there's a number of people defending this system and other bunch against it,and in the end all we are doing is fighting among us, which by the way and sorry to tell you,have no saying in the matter.
Now for those quoting other countries data and using it for the sake of argument ,i see no use ,since as we all know numbers and statistics can be ''fixed'' everywhere.
In short,is there anyway we might find more common grounds to share this forum?,i'm beggining to see that we have a whole bunch of ''preachers'' here that have no intention of even listening to the other side.
Having a disagreement is one thing but going on to call names and being rude is a whole different game.
Here's my 2 cents,which depending on where you look at it could be 3 cents or 1 cent lol
i never needed anyone to tell me how much inflation there was since the days i could afford a calculator.
I do my own projections annually on expenses and i compare them,my numbers are nothing like what the gov't say(indec).
However there's a number of people defending this system and other bunch against it,and in the end all we are doing is fighting among us, which by the way and sorry to tell you,have no saying in the matter.
Now for those quoting other countries data and using it for the sake of argument ,i see no use ,since as we all know numbers and statistics can be ''fixed'' everywhere.
In short,is there anyway we might find more common grounds to share this forum?,i'm beggining to see that we have a whole bunch of ''preachers'' here that have no intention of even listening to the other side.
Having a disagreement is one thing but going on to call names and being rude is a whole different game.
The point I was trying to make by starting this was to highlight yet again the bare faced cheek of these brazen hussies in power.
He is actually a good example of a neo-populist.

are you crazy? neo populist, what political scientists, philosophers or sociologist called,neo populist is what the region experimented since the 2000s, with Chavez, Lula, Evo, Correa, and the Ks, that is what the people who understand call neo populist.

Menem was a neoliberal right wing president, totally distant from the masses.

Edit: I was wrong. Searching in the net I found that Menemismo is called also "populismo de derecha" or "neo populismo". But it can also be neo populismo what I said. So it varies. I remember reading lot of bibliography about neo populismo with the Ks. I preffer to call Menem populismo de derecha and the Ks populismo de izquierda.
are you crazy? neo populist, what political scientists, philosophers or sociologist called,neo populist is what the region experimented since the 2000s, with Chavez, Lula, Evo, Correa, and the Ks, that is what the people who understand call neo populist.

Menem was a neoliberal right wing president, totally distant from the masses.
There are quite a few in political science that categorize Menem (and others like Salinas from Mexico) as neoliberal neo-populists.