Down, down, down (a peso devaluation thread)

steveinbsas said:
I hope anyone who is interested will go back and read my previous posts...if they care.

Yes, I hope everyone goes back to post #130 and sees you are not accurate.

Ok, Steve whatever you say, you're such an intellectual giant that I don't think anybody here will doubt what you say.
My thoughts on this thread involve addressing two people

First, jb5:

You said two absolutely incorrect things.

#1: Barack Obama (and our government) are in no way socialist. His administration would be considered moderate in Europe, or even slightly conservative. Obama has run a more centrist administration than Clinton did. In fact, part of the reason he has been unable to achieve many of his goals thus far has to do with his extremely cooperative political nature rather than his left wing agenda. Hell, his healthcare bill was based off of Mitt Romney's successful state plan in Massachusetts.

I also disagree that he did not make the economy a priority. He made the economy a very serious priority, but an administration capable of coming in and fixing decades of poor economy policy in 4 years (through Bush, Clinton, Bush and Reagan) does not exist, which leads me to my next point...

#2: You believe in a free market economy, and believe Obama wants to enact a bunch of unnecessary regulations? The sub-prime mortgage crisis that nearly collapsed our economy were it not for a necessary bailout is a result of a lack of government regulation making sure banks don't lend money to people who can't actually afford to pay it back. I am completely for a free market economy, but today's economies are so complex that there has to be some elements of regulation or else we'll repeat our mistakes.


#1. Glenn Beck is an idiot.
I personally believe she has the right to those checks. But then she is the one that insults my intellect by voting for a party determined to cut those benefits for my and future generations (I also paid taxes into the system but the difference is that I believe it is a great system that could work perfectly fine if it weren't for governments (both parties) that keep fundin war instead of work. No! I don't think she is some sort of benefit cheat ... I think she is instead selfish. One of those people who jump in the salvation boat and then don't let anybody else in. That's what I think.
jb5 said:

Mort makes some good points but I don't think that Obama is anti business message he and others drone on about is really valid. Some feel that a lot of our corporate leaders were used to getting whatever they wanted during the Bush years and are now just miffed that they don't. This whole the economy is Obama's fault doesn't hold much water as I guess we shouldn't even have recessions if we had a Republican as president if you hear the argument from the GOP, except this big mess were in now occurred during their watch. You can blame him that he hasn't been able to fix the problems caused by the GOP but that's about all. Of course I hear the criticism but I don't see them proposing anything to fix it either other than cut spending and reduce taxes. I will have to agree that so far Obama leaves something to be desired in in the getting things done department.

The best hope for Obama to be elected is contained in the last paragraph by Mort where he basically says the GOP should win if they come up with a real candidate. There's good news for Obama in this as new polls show Rick Perry as the new GOP frontrunner. The Democrats are praying to god that the Republicans are dumb enough to nominate this lunatic. If he gets the nomination Obama won't even have to campaign. Perry will lose big-time and so will the GOP. Once they recover from this tea party lunacy and try become a real political party again they may find it will take decades to fully recover from damage these people are doing to their party. If you want confirmation of this look up Karl Rove's comments on the same subject.
Wow, we've gone a long way from the pesos!

Just a quick comment about having had to work to collect social security - that's not accurate. You can receive a spousal benefit (up to 50% of the earner's monthly payment).

As for the rest - I'm disillusioned with both parties in the US and the fact that politicians are far too busy worrying about pandering to their biggest contributers and getting re-elected to focus on the important things - you know, economic climate, job creation, tax loopholes, environmental issues, etc but really - the Tea Party as a viable option?! :eek: Not in any sane world (as I see it)
citygirl said:
Wow, we've gone a long way from the pesos!

Just a quick comment about having had to work to collect social security - that's not accurate. You can receive a spousal benefit (up to 50% of the earner's monthly payment).

Didn't say that, I said she or her husband had to work many years to qualify for the benefits. Obviously somebody worked and earned the benefit and the person collecting is not a parasite collecting undeserved benefits as another poster seems to imply. If she had never been married and had never worked she wouldn't qualify for SS. The spousal benefit is there to provide some benefit to non-working spouses. I believe this was intended originally to provide for women who spend their years raising kids not working. The idea was not to penalize women that didn't work or in situations where the husband died the spouse could still collect some benefits, and seems fair and logical to me.
We're in agreement - (and I'm not an opponent of it either!). I thought I read a post saying you had to work to collect which is what I was clarifying.

And as always, a fun little fact to remember is that there a lot of people paying into SS who won't be able to collect any money. For example, all those "not legal" workers that so many people get riled up about who in most cases, actually are funding a system they can't use ;)
chicagocouple said:
If you can show me where it is said that the tea party wishes to get rid of social security and other entitlements I would agree, but you are very misinformed and are just paying attention to political propaganda. Basically the tea party wants lower flat tax rates eliminating loopholes to spur economic activity while trying to control spending by enacting some of the same austerity measures that england and france are proposing. The people that are calling them extremists basically do not know what they are talking about. I am not a tea partiest, but I am glad at least one group is trying to get us out of the same old politics that have been self destructive to this country.

Right now Ranger Rick a tea party favorite is leading the polls in the race for the Republican nomination. His views on SS and other issues are in a book written by him only 9 months ago.

I wonder if the voters in general will find any of his views a little extreme or troubling. Kind of hard for him to disavow his views now as they are in black and white.