Down, down, down (a peso devaluation thread)

Philsword, why do you think I call it "Mad Hatter's Tea Party"?

God bless the atheists ;):D
John.St said:
Philsword, why do you think I call it "Mad Hatter's Tea Party"?

God bless the atheists ;):D

I'm glad we are in agreement. The facts on what these people are actually about needs to get out, they are very close to a take over of the GOP. Their ideas are a very serious threat in my opinion which are not fully understood or appreciated by most people today. With a little public education these ideas can be quickly discredited. I do not think more than a very small minority of people in the U.S. would support the tea party or radical right wing ideas if they really understand what these people want. The candidates who support these ideas need to be clearly identified so that they can be solidly defeated at the polls.
I have the impression that - as in Mad Hatter's Tea Party - most of the teabaggers are sane people.

Most of the party guests are not mad as the hatter, but decent folks with what they see as a reasonable agenda - but they are too trusting.

As has been seen in other political situations, they are under the false impression, that the enemies of their enemy are friends. They are not friends but seducers, but the teabaggers' ignore the real agenda of their assumed friends, hoping that later on they can control the extremists - more or less as the democratic revolutionaries in Russia May through October 1917 or the German elite in the early 1930'es, underestimating the hostility of their "friendly" foes. We all know what those mistakes led to.
John.St said:
I have the impression that - as in Mad Hatter's Tea Party - most of the teabaggers are sane people.

Most of the party guests are not mad as the hatter, but decent folks with what they see as a reasonable agenda - but they are too trusting.

As has been seen in other political situations, they are under the false impression, that the enemies of their enemy are friends. They are not friends but seducers, but the teabaggers' ignore the real agenda of their assumed friends, hoping that later on they can control the extremists - more or less as the democratic revolutionaries in Russia May through October 1917 or the German elite in the early 1930'es, underestimating the hostility of their "friendly" foes. We all know what those mistakes led to.

I agree completely, the GOP has let these people in the tent to get more votes with the idea that they will be able to control the extremists(looks to me like they have lost control of them). Back in 1933 Hitler was asked to form a government as part of a coalition with other conservatives. The idea was that the other conservatives in the government would prevent Hitler from getting out of control, we know how that worked out. Also the times were somewhat similar, i.e. a lot of turmoil due to economic conditions like today although the problems then were more severe. I fear that if between now and the election the economic situation worsens or some other calamity occurs we could end up with a Rick Perry or Michelle Bachmann as President with possibly a like minded majority in Congress. Today I think there is little chance of any of these extremists being elected but the possibility that they could be should be causing widespread alarm and concern.
You all seem to not understand that the tea party is basically a libertarian, small government movement, and for that reason they do not want an agenda that wants to control what other people do. They do not want to impose a state religion, or a policy on abortion or drugs. From what I have seen they are mostly sane, middle class people of a broad spectrum of social and economic persuasions who feel that the big government solutions to our problems are not working, and want the U.S. government to get back to the powers that were spelled out in our constitution, and leave to the states the powers that were reserved for the states. That idea really scares those who feel that the more government controls our lives, the happier they will be.
Philsword said:
I agree completely, the GOP has let these people in the tent to get more votes with the idea that they will be able to control the extremists(looks to me like they have lost control of them). Back in 1933 Hitler was asked to form a government as part of a coalition with other conservatives. The idea was that the other conservatives in the government would prevent Hitler from getting out of control, we know how that worked out. Also the times were somewhat similar, i.e. a lot of turmoil due to economic conditions like today although the problems then were more severe. I fear that if between now and the election the economic situation worsens or some other calamity occurs we could end up with a Rick Perry or Michelle Bachmann as President with possibly a like minded majority in Congress. Today I think there is little chance of any of these extremists being elected but the possibility that they could be should be causing widespread alarm and concern.

As a Libertarian, I would be very happy to have Michelle Bachmann as the next President of the United States.

In order to beat Obama (if he is the Democrat Party candidate) she might need to win more than 40 of the 57 states, including all of the small ones.;)
As a Libertarian, I would be very happy to have Michelle Bachmann as the next President of the United States.

Have you read Bachmann declarations in some issues? She is insane as Palin. That is why I think their media (FOX) is giving more space to that guy from Texas, the Bush In Steroids. Ok, I watch too much Jon Stewart.
captainmcd, you seem to overlook what I wrote "decent folks with what they see as a reasonable agenda".

The danger is not from these decent folks but from their perceived allies, who have an ulterior agenda, e.g. "One nation under God" - 'do not want to impose a state religion'?

Some religions have several deities (so not "under God", but "under Gods"), other religions none (Taoism, Buddhism), the app. 17% irreligious Americans neither.

An unpleasant part of the perceived allies wants to impose a theocracy - when in power.

Rick Perry, presidential candidate, published a book only nine monts ago, in which he deemed almost anything unconstitutional (he forgot to include the military - there ought not to be a federal army, which is big government, only militias, but he conveniently forgot that).

Now that the guests at the Mad Hatter's Teaparty grumble, the hatter declares that he didn't write what he wrote.
Perry is trying to hide his ulterior agenda and I woun't be surprised if the partygoers swallow that - hook, sink and float.

A review of his weirdest ideas admittedly hostile - can be found here:

Exactly how are you going to control him and his ilk, if they win the election?
Michelle Bachmann as president?

"I find it interesting that it was back in the 1970s that the swine flu broke out under another, then under another Democrat president, Jimmy Carter. I'm not blaming this on President Obama, I just think it's an interesting coincidence." -Rep. Michele Bachmann, April 28, 2009, on the 1976 Swine Flu outbreak that happened when Gerald Ford, a Republican, was president.

Bachmann said, “There are hundreds and hundreds of scientists, many of them holding Nobel Prizes, who believe in intelligent design.” Name one Nobel laureate in one of the natural sciences who believes this.

More insane quotes:

Listening to her: "A Compilation Of Michele Bachmann's Most Famous Quotes"

Given the choice I would prefer Mickey Mouse as the president of the US - he is at least sane.
John.St said:
Exactly how are you going to control him and his ilk, if they win the election?

How is anyone controlling the current president?

He is ruling by executive order, just as some predicted.