Sergio Massa should be ashamed of himself for running for President with this record and the Argentine voters will deserve what they get if the majority of them vote for a continuation of this criminally incompetent regime.
Sergio Massa should be ashamed of himself for running for President with this record and the Argentine voters will deserve what they get if the majority of them vote for a continuation of this criminally incompetent regime.
Osho!? Damn, the Rajneesh had more aliases than Frank Abagnale.
That thought occurred to me some time ago: how brazen of their side of politics to even present a candidate at this election. I'm no expert on France, but I seem to recall the president between 2012 and 2017 (Holland) was so embarrassed at his own miserable record and approval rating that he pulled out long before the election was due. No such squeamishness here. They just present as usual, bright as buttons, like nothing has happened.Sergio Massa should be ashamed of himself for running for President with this record.
"Economic Devastation" is exactly the current status quo in Argentina under the current Minister of the Economy and de-facto acting President Sergio Massa.
Think hard on just how catastrophic the economic data is under the Massa regime:
-200%+ annualized inflation (prices TRIPLING annually, this is with full blown economic repression and numbers suppressed/subsidized prices)
- USD free market cash rate from under 300 to 1000
- negative BCRA reserves
- $20 billion + USD of unpaid imports
- Minimum wage of $160 USD per month, Miniunum retirement $90 USD per month.
-42% poverty, 65% children in poverty
Sergio Massa should be ashamed of himself for running for President with this record and the Argentine voters will deserve what they get if the majority of them vote for a continuation of this criminally incompetent regime.
Osho!? Damn, the Rajneesh had more aliases than Frank Abagnale.
And you think that the Peronistas are incapable of fraud, especially in the provincia de Buenos Aires?The usual Google Translate deal, banner is in Castellano and story will initially appear in that tongue, but wait a few seconds and it will change to English.![]()
La denuncia de "fraude" que no tenía pruebas ni era una denuncia | La Libertad Avanza dio marcha atrás y reconoció ante la Justicia que no detectó irregularidades
Tras la presentación en la que detallaban un supuesto "fraude colosal" ejecutado por Gendarmería, los apoderados de LLA fueron citados ayer por la fiscalía. Karina Milei ni siquiera se presentó. El otro apoderado sí lo hizo y declaró bajo juramento: "
Preparing accusations of fraud even before the election = standard regime change tactics
a quote from the story above -
"The creation of a rarefied climate and suspicion about the transparency of the election was already experienced in the United States and Brazil, where both Donald Trump and Jair Bolsonaro respectively refused to admit their defeats, hence the storming of the Capitol and the assault on the Palace. of the Planalto. Milei's digital advisor, Fernando Cerimedo , was also an advisor to Bolsonaro and the one who coined the theory of fraud in Brazil."
Uh huh
Nice strawman, but that's not the issue here.And you think that the Peronistas are incapable of fraud, especially in the provincia de Buenos Aires?