En Negro

Guillo said:
Ok, in that case it shoudn't be an insult if I call you an asshole.
Either that or a troll, not sure. Where is Cabrera when one needs him/her!

Sorry, but I never defended the K government. Being left leaning doesn't imply a defense of the K government.

There's a reason for the anti-business rhetoric: people got tired of being exploited by someone that believes that because he has some cash owns the world, can bend any and all the rules and laws and everyone should be licking at their boots.

Of course. Let a couple millions die while you go to sail to the Caribbean with some whores and a bunch of coke (not the soda).

The fact that the Ks are a bunch of thieves doesn't change that workers here have RIGHTS that you have to respect. Just as important as yours. Just because you have the cash doesn't mean you are any better than the employees working under you. Perhaps you are too used to the "republican" way. Go back to the US already and try to make a business there. Why did even come here?

I doubt they even have a goal besides becoming robbing more money and having more power.

Well, for what I've read so far you are the first one to start insulting people who contradicts you in any way. Its natural that they will react.

I was expecting some sincere discussion, not someone yelling at my face refusing to listen or accept any other point of view as valid. Worse case, I'll just put you in my ignore list like I did with Lucas and a some others. Really, not much of value is lost but your total disconnect from reality.

Perhaps you need a blog to post your illuminated thinking, as you don't seem to be comfortable with the exchange happening at forums.

Thank God! That's the most intelligent thing you have said "ignore list".

I'm always happy to have a discussion but let's be very clear...we've had similar conversations in the past and you continue to blather about workers "rights" blah blah blah blah blah. You never seem to accept the TRUTH about business or accept other viewpoints, so don't go and try to be all self righteous. (and there are a lot more on this site that agree with my way of doing business, not yours)

I treat my workers with utmost respect and they all have the OPPORTUNITY to make a hell of a lot of money (their base is WAY over the AR average and they get bonuses). However, I expect them to contribute to the success of the company..something your small mind can't seem to grasp. If not, they are gone (slow to hire quick to fire). I don't need the Govt or Unions to force me to pay someone for doing a shitty job...they can go work for your company.

Companies have rights. Business owners have rights. And considering it's the businesses that employ workers, you best wake the hell up and realize you will never go anywhere with the drone mentality you have.
Guillo said:
There's a reason for the anti-business rhetoric: people got tired of being exploited by someone that believes that because he has some cash owns the world, can bend any and all the rules and laws and everyone should be licking at their boots.

Of course. Let a couple millions die while you go to sail to the Caribbean with some whores and a bunch of coke (not the soda).

Guillo, only in the interest of debate & not to attack you...the comments above are what baffle many of us who land in this country. It's like you just have this dark negative view that anyone who wants to start a business & employ people is only doing so be cause he/she just have this evil inborn intention of robbing the poor...taking advantage of the weak...sucking the lifeblood out of anyone they can just so that they can go & party with champagne on a yacht on the Caribbean to celebrate 'Exploitation'.. .WHAT?? WHO is this EVIL CAPITALIST monster that you guys are seeing your nightmares???

People who have new ideas & want to work hard to generate economic activity are not evil!!! Do I have to even spell this out to you? And....They can be VERY USEFUL too!!!! Imagine that??!! Killing or scaring them away from this country is not the best idea!!! Trust me o this!!

WHy are we even still debating such basic Chavez/Cristina socialist style Dogma?
You don't support the Ks but you support anti-business attitudes...you support treating entrepreneurial people like criminal suspects.

No wonder ARgentina with all it's rich resources is at the bottom of the list of the developing countries...now we are going to be downgraded from the status of 'Developing' to something lower...how many 2001s do the people here have to endure before they 'get' the basics of the 'Economics for Dummies' manual?!?!!!!???????????????????????????
jaredwb said:
I'm always happy to have a discussion but let's be very clear...
...as long as nobody DARES to say something different. Then you start calling them idiots, and with the personal attacks.

we've had similar conversations in the past and you continue to blather about workers "rights" blah blah blah blah blah.
Well, I already noticed you don't like to recognize your workers have rights other than work their asses off yo make you rich.

I already shot down several of your points in other threads, and you keep coming back with the same.

You never seem to accept the TRUTH about business or accept other viewpoints, so don't go and try to be all self righteous. (and there are a lot more on this site that agree with my way of doing business, not yours)
Of course I can accept the realities of making business. I have the capacity to stand on a businessowner's shoes, and I already showed so in every discussion I had. You seem to be totally unable to see the other side, and never loose the opportunity to insult whoever doesn't agree with your point of view.

"Cerrado como culo de muñeco"

I treat my workers with utmost respect and they all have the OPPORTUNITY to make a hell of a lot of money (their base is WAY over the AR average and they get bonuses). However, I expect them to contribute to the success of the company..
And that's fine.

something your small mind can't seem to grasp.
See? that's insulting and unproductive.
What's your IQ so we can compare?

Companies have rights. Business owners have rights. And considering it's the businesses that employ workers, you best wake the hell up and realize you will never go anywhere with the drone mentality you have.
Ok, companies have rights. Business have rights. Workers don't, except to try to make you rich. Nice way to sum it all up!
When I read these debates I always think that if I were an employee in AR, right about now I'd be more inclined to trust my employer than the government that's working really hard to assure they'll be no pensions for all.
notebook.fix said:
Guillo, only in the interest of debate & not to attack you...

I dont feel attacked, unless you start calling me idiot and small minded, like jaredw likes to do when he feels outdebated.

the comments above are what baffle many of us who land in this country. It's like you just have this dark negative view that anyone who wants to start a business & employ people is only doing so be cause he/she just have this evil inborn intention of robbing the poor...taking advantage of the weak...sucking the lifeblood out of anyone they can just so that they can go & party with champagne on a yacht on the Caribbean to celebrate 'Exploitation'.. .WHAT?? WHO is this EVIL CAPITALIST monster that you guys are seeing your nightmares???
Well, I think you got the exact problem here. You just landed on the country, and don't know what has happened here, and has been happening for years.
The lack of trust by workers with their employers is not random. Is a consequence of being screwed over for YEARS by them.

People who have new ideas & want to work hard to generate economic activity are not evil!!! Do I have to even spell this out to you? And....They can be VERY USEFUL too!!!! Imagine that??!! Killing or scaring them away from this country is not the best idea!!! Trust me o this!!
In case you really want to come here and generate economic activity, pay your taxes, give the rights mandated by law to the employees, you are more than welcome. But not if you try to cut corners screwing up your workers in the process.
Everyone here assumes that being pro-worker means being against business, and that's not the case.
On the other hand, all I read here is: workers are lazy. Workers try to rip me off. They want to sit for doing nothing, etc etc etc. So actually, the pro-business guys are anti-worker, or that's how it reads.

WHy are we even still debating such basic Chavez/Cristina socialist style Dogma?
You don't support the Ks but you support anti-business attitudes...you support treating entrepreneurial people like criminal suspects.
Well, if they are attempting to skip taxes and benefits that their workers have by law, they are criminals, aren't they?
I support business, but not if their business model includes ripping their workers off. Specially when they expect the workers to say thanks!

Also, coming from the US you might consider the Socialist/Capitalist dogma debate over, but its far from it. Hell, like someone posted here you didn't all complain when the government came in rescue of banks and other financial institutions.

No wonder ARgentina with all it's rich resources is at the bottom of the list of the developing countries...now we are going to be downgraded from the status of 'Developing' to something lower...how many 2001s do the people here have to endure before the learn the basic 'Economics' manual?????
Well, it depends on who wrote the manual.I totally agree that the country is underdeveloped, and has the resources to do much more. I don't necessarily agree than applying the "survival of the fittest, the rest can die" model will be the best, or what I want for the future.
jb5 said:
When I read these debates I always think that if I were an employee in AR, right about now I'd be more inclined to trust my employer than the government that's working really hard to assure they'll be no pensions for all.

That kind of arrangement, usually continues with the employee resigning to the "en blanco" position, being kicked out of the job with no benefits soon thereafter.

I've seen a bunch of those cases happening.
Guillo said:
I dont feel attacked, unless you start calling me idiot and small minded, like jaredw likes to do when he feels outdebated.

Well, I think you got the exact problem here. You just landed on the country, and don't know what has happened here, and has been happening for years.
The lack of trust by workers with their employers is not random. Is a consequence of being screwed over for YEARS by them.

In case you really want to come here and generate economic activity, pay your taxes, give the rights mandated by law to the employees, you are more than welcome. But not if you try to cut corners screwing up your workers in the process.
Everyone here assumes that being pro-worker means being against business, and that's not the case.
On the other hand, all I read here is: workers are lazy. Workers try to rip me off. They want to sit for doing nothing, etc etc etc. So actually, the pro-business guys are anti-worker, or that's how it reads.

Well, if they are attempting to skip taxes and benefits that their workers have by law, they are criminals, aren't they?
I support business, but not if their business model includes ripping their workers off. Specially when they expect the workers to say thanks!

Also, coming from the US you might consider the Socialist/Capitalist dogma debate over, but its far from it. Hell, like someone posted here you didn't all complain when the government came in rescue of banks and other financial institutions.

Well, it depends on who wrote the manual.I totally agree that the country is underdeveloped, and has the resources to do much more. I don't necessarily agree than applying the "survival of the fittest, the rest can die" model will be the best, or what I want for the future.

You have a LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG way before you "out debate" me on anything business...but I welcome you to keep trying.
jaredwb said:
You have a LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG way before you "out debate" me on anything business...but I welcome you to keep trying.

Well, your need to insult when confronted with another point of view that doesn't match your world view, doesn't leave you standing well on the debate front.

I mean, you can cover your ears and yell "I dont care I dont care" but that won't change the reality around you.
Guillo said:
Well, your need to insult when confronted with another point of view that doesn't match your world view, doesn't leave you standing well on the debate front.

I mean, you can cover your ears and yell "I dont care I dont care" but that won't change the reality around you.

Moving along cause I'm tired and very busy cause I actually RUN a large company, are you going to the Wed night meet??

Tomorrow at Brands on Gurruchaga. Drinks are on me, I wouldn't want us evil capitalists to make you spend your hard earned money.;)

While I know your theories on worker/business relationships are seriously flawed, I'm sure you are probably a nice person :)
jaredwb said:
Moving along cause I'm tired and very busy cause I actually RUN a large company, are you going to the Wed night meet??
Tomorrow at Brands on Gurruchaga. Drinks are on me, I wouldn't want us evil capitalists to make you spend your hard earned money.;)
While I know your theories on worker/business relationships are seriously flawed, I'm sure you are probably a nice person :)

And you keep trying to get me drunk!
I'm a nice person, but I do have a mind of my own and will take shit of noone, including rich expats running business :).

Thanks for the offer, you seem to have good intentions.