The approach of the next government will continue to be 99.44 percent style; any more significant change in substance would result in outbursts so shrill that they could only match the Republican outrage if Guantánamo prisoners were released in anything other than a body bag.
Hasnt that just happened? Alive and well. In return for a US deserter?
Never underestimate the power of the unexpected to confound
Now lets give thought to the range of possibilities when it comes to the South Atlantic - personally I wouldnt entirely discount any of the following....
1, UK finds a 'pragmatic' solution - provided its linked to other tangibles which may or may not be made public such as an upscaled offer from Argentina to buy the Islands as Peron offered in 1953 - medium term rather than short term
2. Argentina is distracted/directed onto a totally different and equally irrelevant 'national cause' which may or may not be linked to the deification of Messi - short term or longer
3. Uruguay gives recognition to Falklands Government and trading opportunities to Falklands leading to further unhappiness between the brothers of the River Plate until the Falkland Islanders develop a dependency craving for dulce de leche - medium term
4. China extracts trade and military concessions from Argentina in return for naval and commercial privileges on the mainland racking up NATO concern - anytime
5. La Campora or others to perform a repeat 'stunt' invasion as was tried in 1964 and 1966 (operacion condor*) - now more likely by RIB or wingsuit than conventional aircraft - medium term
6. Scotland Wales and Northern Ireland all vote to leave the United Kingdom leaving England to extend an invitation to the Falklands for formal incorporation with the bonus that Charles can be safely hospitalised there out of harms way this being the only way to retain Cornwall in the UK - unlikely
7. Falkland Islands beat the Faroe Islands in the World Cup Final which Sebb Blatter awards to host by Buenos Aires on Gondona's suggestion as an alternative to Qatar - even less likely
8. Andrew Lloyd Webber writes a sequel to Evita with the working title 'Cristina y Nestor' and in anticipation of the box office and film receipts persuades the Falkland Islanders with mega-millions to rename Stanley/Puerto Argentino "Cuidad Cristina" and gives the place a makeover**
NB other possibilities may happen. And you dont have to "vote" on this!