Falklands Referendum

I disagree. The Islanders are UK citizens and negotiations should be bi-national ... Argentina and the UK.

The UK is refusing to come to the negotiating table and pick up were things left off pre-82 invasion. How is Argentina being intransigent?

The UK might negotiate when the immigrants of Argentina negotiate sovereignty with the Natives here.
It's all very well digging up all these historical facts pre 1982, but the fact remains that it all changed then.
Both countries are being intransigent and it reminds me of 'why does a dog lick its balls?....because it can!'
The islands are british now and they will continue like this without any problem, because they have a very strong army and the support of the main power, the USA.

But, what has to do an Island from thousands kilometers away controlling this piece of land in the ass of the world? if you look at the map, dont they belong to Argentina? In fact, didnt was like that until they got colonized in 1833, expeled the local argentine population and implanted a british one?

This what Im talking it is proved to happened, so the answer to these questions may give the reason to what Argentina claims.

Thats my view (despite I actually dont care that much of the Malvinas).

And what about the natives or Argentina 'that got colonised'?

Please read your history on the islands better.
You might want to look at this:

Can any Argentine here tell me why they don't hand back the country to the natives and return to Italy or Spain?