Falklands Referendum

There is more chance of the kelpers voting to become argentine than herself launching an invasion, sure half the fleet would be sequestered by the vultures as soon they left port!
They won't leave port, so there is no great risk of an Argentine military adventure - unless they are unusually good swimmers.

Argentine corvettes ARA Spiro and ARA Espora underwent breakdowns. ARA Spiro had to be released from participating in a joint naval exercise with its peers from Brazil, Uruguay and South Africa because it underwent a breakdown. Next ARA Espora attending the same exercises was forced to dock in South Africa because it suffered technical and mechanical problems.

A third corvette capsized in a basin of its base port due to lack of maintenance.

Only 17 percent of the Argentine Airforce's planes can fly.
"Apenas puede volar un 17 % de los aviones de la Fuerza Aérea"
I disagree that it's dubious. And the overflights and commercial blockade are devices to get the UK to sit down and negotiate. Argentina has UN support on this ... the UK has been told to engage in negotiations.
Myth busting: The UN General Assembly cannot tell a country to do so-and-so and it hasn't.

The GA resolutions "calls upon" or "requests" the Governments of Argentina and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to initiate negotiations.

Only the UN Security Council can tell a country what to do, as they did in 1982 with the binding UN Security Council Resolution 502 - which Argentina disrespected.

The binding UN Resolution 502, of 3 April 1982 (resolution text: http://daccess-dds-n...pdf?OpenElement )

1. Demands an immediate cessation of hostilities;
2. Demands an immediate withdrawal of all Argentine forces from the Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas);

The many harrassments only serve to make the UK a more obstinate opponent of negotiations. The British have reacted like that at least since the Roman invasion in AD 43 - e.g. Boudica in AD 61.
But, what has to do an Island from thousands kilometers away controlling this piece of land in the ass of the world? if you look at the map, dont they belong to Argentina? In fact, didnt was like that until they got colonized in 1833, expeled the local argentine population and implanted a british one?
Which argentine population was expelled?

Myth busting: Only the Buenos Aires garrison and their families were expelled. Of 27 civilian settlers 23 decided to stay under British rule, 4 wanted to leave for Montevideo (note: not Buenos Aires).

Read the Argentine document from commander Pinedo's trial in Buenos Aires in 1833:
"Lista de la tropa, sus familias y peones de la isla de Malvinas"

- then give us the names of the civilian settlers who were expelled.

Does Argentina still have a Paraguayan garrison in the ex-Paraguay provinces Formosa and Misiones, which were conquered by Argentina in 1870?

If you look at the map, don't Chile, Bolivia, Uruguay, Paraguay and Brasil belong to Argentina?
They are zero km distant, the Falkland Islands are 465 km away.

If you look at the map, don't the Canary Islands, Tenerife and Funchal belong to Moroco?

'Belong to' has nothing to do with distance and BTW according to contemporary international law, islands more than 200 km from the mainland have their own continental shelf.

they expelled argentine population, the gaucho rivero if im not wrong.
The self determination principle its only valid if the population is not implanted. Of course is not the case.
Define "implanted population" e.g. the Argentine, which was implanted by Spain.

Myth busting: How could "El gaucho Rivero" still be on the the Falkland Islands in 'el 26 de agosto de 1833, seis meses después de la invasión británica de las islas.' if he was expelled in January of that year? - a good swimmer?
What if the islanders declared independence - there would no longer be a 'hostile foreign power' nor an issue of colonialism, I assume Argentina would just leave them in peace?
According to the Argentine minister of defence, if the British didn't defend the Falkland Islands, Argentina would invade immediately.