Falklands Referendum

Only if there is a certain threshold of North Carolinians asking for it and (preferably) they have invaded and slaughtered an indigenous people at some point in their history.

But there was a guy from Luxembourg went there 180 years ago with his dog, he was asked to leave. JUST GIVE IT BACK TO HIM! THE UN SAYS YOU HAVE TO TALK ABOUT IT! PLUS MY MOM SAYS SO!!!
You re all right gusys there are totally no argument that can stand argentine claim.
So you tell me, why if the un says the conflict must be solved by talking in a negitiation table the uk just dont even open a little tiny window to dialogue as they did in 1965, again obbeying a un resolution.

Were the islands dessert when they invaded or were there argentine born people living there, before argentine the islands belong to france and the to argentina; argentine pe ople born in argentine soil were living there, so there was an invasion.

asking patagonia to the mapuches et al...wasnt very similar in the us? or australia? so the aztecs could ask for mexico to the spaniards? we re talking of NATIONS not of tribes... as I said before terer was a time when the illustrated and stronger (by guns) people determined where the copuntries started and ended, and by that I mean that they were stronger than the indians so they could do that. So the indian population was never an obstacle to found a nation, ANYWHERE. The were sadly killed or removed as slaves, or something. The stronger ruled, just like happen with the Malvinas or nowadays with Irak and Afghanistan, where, not by chance, colonialist UK send troops.
Since North Carolina is the nearest continental land to Bermuda, should not Bermuda belong to the United States?
Basta con el imperio!!!! Hasta la victoria siempre!!! Bermuda se vence con amor!!!!!

Its really embarrassing to see the Argentineans here try and debate this. Its getting really silly now.
I wish they would just grow up and admit they have little claim over the islands or just say they respect the peoples wishes who live there.

Its making the whole country look very childish.
But there was a guy from Luxembourg went there 180 years ago with his dog, he was asked to leave. JUST GIVE IT BACK TO HIM! THE UN SAYS YOU HAVE TO TALK ABOUT IT! PLUS MY MOM SAYS SO!!!

He was asked to stay, he chose to leave - the dog was preoccupied with a bone at the time and ended up staying. His subsequent urination on a tree was a legitimate claim on the territory according to the ICJ (International Canine Judiciary).
Were the islands dessert when they invaded or were there argentine born people living there, before argentine the islands belong to france and the to argentina; argentine pe ople born in argentine soil were living there, so there was an invasion.

Please look at this:

The Brits were there before you!

It doesn't matter if the people living here were tribes or had what you recognise as a 'government'. Who are you to tell them how to run the country they own.
The fact is Argentina was stolen from the natives, yes, just as in Australia and the USA. This doesn't make it right either.

Its very sad to see the Argentinas pathetic hypocritical claim to the Falklands.
He was asked to stay, he chose to leave - the dog was preoccupied with a bone at the time and ended up staying. His subsequent urination on a tree was a legitimate claim on the territory according to the ICJ (International Canine Judiciary).
That brave dog was called Stanley, which is why the capital is now known as Port Stanley. However, the actual historical existence of Stanley is currently being contested by Argentina. This particular country claims, instead, that historically a horse called Pablo took a legitimizing dump on one of the islands and therefore, they should be a part of Argentina.
Its really embarrassing to see the Argentineans here try and debate this. Its getting really silly now.
I wish they would just grow up and admit they have little claim over the islands or just say they respect the peoples wishes who live there.

Its making the whole country look very childish.

There is actually an Argentine claim (albeit tenuous) somewhere beneath all this Anglophobia, and fantasy about maps and proximity, its just extraordinary how many Argentines so certain of themselves are unaware of the details of it (Cristina, Timmerman and Alicia Castro included).
That brave dog was called Stanley, which is why the capital is now known as Port Stanley. However, the actual historical existence of Stanley is currently being contested by Argentina. This particular country claims, instead, that historically a horse called Pablo took a legitimizing dump on one of the islands and therefore, they should be a part of Argentina.

In fact in schools in Argentina they burn pictures of dogs called Stanley and are taught that the horse Pedro (viciously killed by the dog called Stanley) was the first every person to go to the islands and do a poo.