Falklands Referendum

Thats why I said "practically" and also talked oh the recognition the mapuches have from this government (ley de pueblos originarios) unlike the chilean government (they were in both sides of the cordillera).

So basically you live in a country that was invaded and almost killed all its original inhabitants and you complain about some small islands that this country has a very weak claim too.

Come on, even you can see the hypocrisy in this.
Look at a map and tell me, how Tenerife and the Canary Islands belong to Spain, how Hawaii belongs to the US, how the Galapagos Islands belong to Ecuador, how Guernsey and Jersey belong to the UK, (long list cut short) and why Greenland doesn't belong to Canada, why the Faeroe Islands don't belong to the UK, (another long list cut short).

What I meant by this is that the brtish came here and conquer the islands, like Spain and Portugal Latin America. But Latin America got the independence, they didnt want to remain with the metropoli, they wanted to be autonomous. Its a totally different thing of remaining british. So theres no third part of this conflict, its not Arg, Uk and the keplers. Is arg and the uk.
What I meant by this is that the brtish came here and conquer the islands, like Spain and Portugal Latin America. But Latin America got the independence, they didnt want to remain with the metropoli, they wanted to be autonomous. Its a totally different thing of remaining british. So theres no third part of this conflict, its not Arg, Uk and the keplers. Is arg and the uk.

But they could become independent if they wanted.
You have to respect the rights of a people who have lived there for almost 180 years, probably longer than a lot of families in Argentine.
If not we go back to the argument of why the people of Argentina don't go back to Spain, Italy, Germany...
So basically you live in a country that was invaded and almost killed all its original inhabitants and you complain about some small islands that this country has a very weak claim too.

Come on, even you can see the hypocrisy in this.

Well actually, if you go back 12 pages you'll find that he really doesn't actually care that much about the islands:

Thats my view (despite I actually dont care that much of the Malvinas).
Thats why I said "practically" and also talked oh the recognition the mapuches have from this government (ley de pueblos originarios) unlike the chilean government (they were in both sides of the cordillera).
"UN calls on Argentina to stop eviction of indigenous peoples from their lands"
"United Nations Special Rapporteur on Indigenous Peoples, James Anaya called on Argentina to cease the eviction of indigenous communities from their lands, during the presentation of the annual report of his office before the UN Human Rights council in Geneva."

Added: "Argentina’s ombudsman office supported the report saying he “continues to receive” claims from members of the “Mapuche community Lof Paichil Antriao in the province of Neuquén, the Qom people of Formosa, the Omaguaca people of Jujuy and the Wichi from Salta”
What I meant by this is that the brtish came here and conquer the islands, like Spain and Portugal Latin America. But Latin America got the independence, they didnt want to remain with the metropoli, they wanted to be autonomous. Its a totally different thing of remaining british. So theres no third part of this conflict, its not Arg, Uk and the keplers. Is arg and the uk.
If that is what you meant, then why did you write something completely disconnected from what you meant?

If that is what you meant, then why did you write something completely disconnected to what you meant?

Because going around in circles picking and choosing from various arguments and then moving on to the next one when inconsistencies/factual errors/hypocrisies are pointed out is infinitely preferable to confronting the awful truth that he has been fed lies and nationalistic tripe since primary school and the Argentine claim is based on horse sh!t.
Well, because of nearly two centuries of effective occupation and settlement. Uti possidetis.
Uti possidetis was not recognized until the conference in Lima 1848 and then only for Spanish American states and Brasil - what about Guyana (UK until 1966), Suriname (Dutch until 1975), Guyane (still an overseas region of France), Curaçao (still a country within the Kingdom of the Netherlands), ...