Fernández will extend the quarantine another two weeks?

By what rule of measurement is "as infrequently as humanly possible"? I go out as frequently as I need to buy fresh groceries. And in the process I get fresh air and exercise. That is one reason why I do not have any medical conditions which require taking any meds. Not bad for age 70.
It must be hard to live an hour away from your nearest supermarket or store. An hour to walk there and an hour to walk back sounds like a chore. That's the only reasons you should be walking around for 2 hours.

Stantucker is correct, if everyone who went out to buy fresh groceries also decided to get some fresh air and exercise, the lockdown would be pointless. There are people sticking to the letter of the rules to help other people. I am 35 and am not in the most vulnerable demographic by any measure. I am listening to the rules only because that's the correct thing to do. People that think it's ok to be out and about for no reason are the poblem and are contributing to the lockdown being extended. Fresh air and exercise are not a good reason to be out. I run and have not been to the park running for 3 weeks.

There's even an argument that you don't even need to go get groceries every day and could stock some.

So, you really think it is fine for everyone who deems themselves not vulnerable in this city to head out tomorrow for a 2-hour stroll and get some fresh air?
Who really trusts the Argentinian government to handle this crisis? If there are test shortages a d ventilator shortages and thousands of deaths in first world countries, how bad will it be in a country with such a comically inept and corrupt government?
The walking is the safe part of the outing. It's the stop at the store that is where you may contact the C19. And remember, the virus gets in via your eyes, nose or mouth. It you don't touch your face, chances are you will not be infected. When on the street, so far I have not passed one person who was coughing or sneezing. You can get infected from someone who is not showing any symptoms but not if you don't let them breath on you and DON"T TOUCH YOUR FACE. I try not to touch my face, even at home because who knows what I've imported into my home.

Am I wrong?

"Restricted circulation" does not mean "prohibited circulation"!

April 9, 2020 • 12:50 pm

The Minister of Health of the City, Fernán Quirós , affirmed today that the coronavirus will impose "personal limitations" on daily life in the next three months and admitted that the use of the mask would be mandatory for people who go out on the street.

"The mobility restrictions are going to last a long time, what is going to be discussed is the intensity week by week," the official analyzed on the permanence of the social isolation measures adopted to mitigate the spread of Covid-19. .

In this sense, the head of the health portfolio said that "there will be personal limitations in the next three months." However, he added that the Buenos Aires government "will see how these limitations can be relaxed or hardened according to how the pandemic evolves."

He said that the "restricted circulation" will remain "until it finishes passing the curve" that marks the number of infections of the disease. The maximum peak of the outbreak is expected in mid-May and "then there will come a month and a half of problems to be solved," Quirós told Radio La Red......
"Restricted circulation" does not mean "prohibited circulation"!

April 9, 2020 • 12:50 pm

The Minister of Health of the City, Fernán Quirós , affirmed today that the coronavirus will impose "personal limitations" on daily life in the next three months and admitted that the use of the mask would be mandatory for people who go out on the street.

"The mobility restrictions are going to last a long time, what is going to be discussed is the intensity week by week," the official analyzed on the permanence of the social isolation measures adopted to mitigate the spread of Covid-19. .

In this sense, the head of the health portfolio said that "there will be personal limitations in the next three months." However, he added that the Buenos Aires government "will see how these limitations can be relaxed or hardened according to how the pandemic evolves."

He said that the "restricted circulation" will remain "until it finishes passing the curve" that marks the number of infections of the disease. The maximum peak of the outbreak is expected in mid-May and "then there will come a month and a half of problems to be solved," Quirós told Radio La Red......
Restricted vs prohibited circulation was never the issue. No one ever said anything about prohibited circulation.
Why don't we just keep everyone locked inside for ever. That way no one gets sick.. This whole thing has gotten out of hand - there will be more damage and deaths resulting from the economic carnage this is going to cause vs the small % who will end up dying from it (who also could have died from any other serious ailment like the seasonal flu, dengue, heart disease, diabetes etc). The idea that Governments can just keep printing money to support a broken/dead economy is ridiculous (look at Argentina for a prime example) - it leads to inflation, poverty and social issues.
As an earlier one poster pointed out, legally, the quarantine is in force until the President decides to lift it. We talk about extensions to the quarantine, but in fact it is not being extended because it does not need to be; the approach instead is to progressively lift it, by increasing the list of productive activities that can be conducted. What is the mechanism for granting the quarantine exemption to the individuals who conduct those activities? It appears to be requiring them to obtain the Certificado Único, a process described here.

(On other note, the article also provides a fairly clear answer on what restricted circulation means.)

My question remains: with so much to manage, will it ever occur to the government that there are people who don't undertake local productive activities? How will anyone who doesn't fall into any of the definitions of productive local activity that the government is progressively defining (which will be all people on a valid tourist visa and all expats other than those on an employment contract in an approved employment sector) ever be able to seek and be granted the Certificado Unico and thus able to again roam freely in the city rather than be restricted to quick trips to the nearest shop or pharmacy?
Alby, I could be missing some intention of yours--
Can you say what kind of activities would you want to be doing, with everything closed such as the restaurants, bars, museums, heritage sites (cemetery etc).

Because I don't think that's of much concern at all to the government.
And the concern they do have for it, would probably fall under 'they can/could have taken a flight home'.

Also, there are plenty of citizens that don't fall into any category for the certificate/excepted activities.
As far as I can understand, the ones that do are allowed to go to their job and come home, not to roam freely as if the quarantine isn't on.

Note that a recent article even suggested that owners of second homes in the country aren't allowed to go to those!

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