Fernández will extend the quarantine another two weeks?

"Also, there are plenty of citizens that don't fall into any category for the certificate/excepted activities."

That is precisely the point I am making. Amongst the people who might not fall into the exempted categories for a very long time are all holders of a valid tourist visa, and many expats with certain form of residency. The government would need to first realize that such people exist and then be bothered doing something about it. Such people may not be a high priority.

(I personally won't want to be doing much at all. Until the virus is no longer a danger, I will be staying home, regardless of quarantine. But I would like to be able to, eventually, go for a long walk or run alone once of twice a week without fear that a policeman might ask me for a Certificado Unico.)
How does Argentina, already broken, come back from this ever?
@Alby re: Such people may not be a high priority.

Exactly, I mean, they want everyone to stay at home.
Inconvenient for people who want to go do things, but such is the situation with a virus. I don't know the answer of when it would be safe, but they are trying to keep people from catching it.

@Fiscal, I understand the idea of cure being worse than a problem... but.. honest question for you since I've seen your opinion around this forum.. what if it was more broken by high numbers of deaths like in Italy, and never erradicating the virus causing no end in sight? Do you honestly think it would be better than shutting down for a few months?
"Restricted circulation" does not mean "prohibited circulation"!

April 9, 2020 • 12:50 pm

The Minister of Health of the City, Fernán Quirós , affirmed today that the coronavirus will impose "personal limitations" on daily life in the next three months and admitted that the use of the mask would be mandatory for people who go out on the street.

"The mobility restrictions are going to last a long time, what is going to be discussed is the intensity week by week," the official analyzed on the permanence of the social isolation measures adopted to mitigate the spread of Covid-19. .

In this sense, the head of the health portfolio said that "there will be personal limitations in the next three months." However, he added that the Buenos Aires government "will see how these limitations can be relaxed or hardened according to how the pandemic evolves."

He said that the "restricted circulation" will remain "until it finishes passing the curve" that marks the number of infections of the disease. The maximum peak of the outbreak is expected in mid-May and "then there will come a month and a half of problems to be solved," Quirós told Radio La Red......
Do you think everyone who deems themselves not vulnerable to this virus should be able to go out for a two hour stroll tomorrow?
@Alby re: Such people may not be a high priority.

Exactly, I mean, they want everyone to stay at home.
Inconvenient for people who want to go do things, but such is the situation with a virus. I don't know the answer of when it would be safe, but they are trying to keep people from catching it.

@Fiscal, I understand the idea of cure being worse than a problem... but.. honest question for you since I've seen your opinion around this forum.. what if it was more broken by high numbers of deaths like in Italy, and never erradicating the virus causing no end in sight? Do you honestly think it would be better than shutting down for a few months?

Argentina's government is dishonest to its own people. They well know that putting arbitrary deadlines to lift the quarantine will never solve the problem, it will only delay it. And Argentina doesn't have the money or a competent capable government to take the measures other countries are taking during the quarantine. Argentina will just lift the quarantine one day when the government decides it can no longer keep its people in check. And coronavirus will come back with a vengeance, and the destruction they did to the economy will be for nothing.

Argentina needs to shut the country down for months until a country that works discovers a vaccine or treatment and manufactures enough to send to Argentina. Until then Argentina accomplishes very little with half measures and is just lying to the people by saying we can all go back to normal after a few weeks of quarantine.
Argentina's government is dishonest to its own people. They well know that putting arbitrary deadlines to lift the quarantine will never solve the problem, it will only delay it. And Argentina doesn't have the money or a competent capable government to take the measures other countries are taking during the quarantine. Argentina will just lift the quarantine one day when the government decides it can no longer keep its people in check. And coronavirus will come back with a vengeance, and the destruction they did to the economy will be for nothing.

Argentina needs to shut the country down for months until a country that works discovers a vaccine or treatment and manufactures enough to send to Argentina. Until then Argentina accomplishes very little with half measures and is just lying to the people by saying we can all go back to normal after a few weeks of quarantine.

The last month has been like a futuristic sci fi movie and there seems no clear end in sight . This lockdown will not finish before July inmo and by then the country will be like Venezuela with mass social unrest and poverty . I have never been in agreement of a long lockdown and believe that by isolating older people for three months or more ben the correct path . In human history all societies have battled viruses and the best antidote is to develop herd inmunity with the younger people . Closing the cities down for a few months only delays the invetiable and does not address the problem
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The last month has been like a futuristic sci fi movie and there seems no clear end in sight . This lockdown will not finish before July inmo and by then the country will be like Venezuela with mass social unrest and poverty . I have never been in agreement of a long lockdown and believe that by isolating older people for three months or more ben the correct path . In human history all societies have battled viruses and the best antidote is to develop herd inmunity with the younger people . Closing the cities down for a few months only delays the invetiable and does not address the problem
I am in full agreement on the quarantine. The idea of it was poorly managed and should have been addressed sooner by isolating the most vulnerable. However, now that it's here I don't agree with people deciding THEY are allowed out to walk around when others are playing by the rules. As for the wider situation around the lockdown, I think you're correct.
The morons in power are still refusing to let citizens back into the country.. talk about abandoning your own people.. scumbags. They have no issues providing free healthcare and benefits to neighbouring countries but when shit really hits the fan they leave their own people to rot. The only long term solution to this is for the herd immunity to take place and tell the vunerable to stay inside for a long time.