Finally, A Real Breakfast In Buenos Aires!

Please be aware also of the Argentine pizza olive - these are the largest, heaviest olives in the world, cultivated specifically to go on (and then promptly fall off) Argentine pizzas. Apart from leaving you with a set of chompers like Shane Macgowan, the primary danger comes from holding your slice at the wrong angle at the moment of ingestion. This can provoke an olive avalanche - concussion, or even complete cranial devastation have been known to follow (please google Moria Casan - she was a beautiful woman once but could never get her slice angle correct).
Who the fck tries to eat olives complete with stones off the top of a moving slice? Lift if off and eat it first for the love of god!
"Lonely Planet" never mentioned a word about any of this.
A 1000 page travel guide, ... not a word. (don't know why)

When first arrived, thought I was always unlucky, always picking up all the wrong places.
It took me years, till finally realized the strange reality.

Fist time I bought a Salmon, the Cashier made faces like you wouldn't believe.
Held up her nose, wiped her fingers 10 times, before finally she got herself to pick it up and put it in the plastic bag, ... repeating:

Everyone inline behind me, were looking as if I were a strange cannibalistic alien maw maw or a cave man from the stone age.
Thinking to myself, .. What is wrong with me? .. How could I do such an awful thing in broad daylight?

Someday ... someone should write a REAL travel guide, from REAL experiences.
They're mind bugling strange .. and nothing can be done.

I have my strong doubts about a "RESTAURANT BUSINESS" having anything else on the menu, other than melanisa, pizza and empanada

May be a decade or 2 from today !
I recall a place in Paris that offered an American style breakfast along with a brunch on the weekends. The French, who are also known to not be big breakfast eaters, would line up down the street for a chance at some bacon, eggs and hashbrowns. Perhaps there is a general appeal for the idea of a hearty meal to start the day.
"Lonely Planet" never mentioned a word about any of this.
A 1000 page travel guide, ... not a word. (don't know why)

When first arrived, thought I was always unlucky, always picking up all the wrong places.
It took me years, till finally realized the strange reality.

Fist time I bought a Salmon, the Cashier made faces like you wouldn't believe.
Held up her nose, wiped her fingers 10 times, before finally she got herself to pick it up and put it in the plastic bag, ... repeating:

Everyone inline behind me, were looking as if I were a strange cannibalistic alien maw maw or a cave man from the stone age.
Thinking to myself, .. What is wrong with me? .. How could I do such an awful thing in broad daylight?

Someday ... someone should write a REAL travel guide, from REAL experiences.

Wish I could understand your posting ??? Me da Presiòn ??? or Me da Impresion...? means My blood pressure goes up? or I get shocked :confused:
Wish I could understand your posting ??? Me da Presiòn ??? or Me da Impresion...? means My blood pressure goes up? or I get shocked :confused:

esta -----> Me da Presiòn

Never been hard pressed to learn Spanish. .. don't have to.
They're mind bugling strange .. and nothing can be done.

I have my strong doubts about a "RESTAURANT BUSINESS" having anything else on the menu, other than melanisa, pizza and empanada

May be a decade or 2 from today !

...and the melanisa? Is that a breaded globule of cancerous skin cells baked or shallow fried? If so, even though it's not my cup of tea, it may still be tastier than the more conventional milanesa.
...and the melanisa? Is that a breaded globule of cancerous skin cells baked or shallow fried? If so, even though it's not my cup of tea, it may still be tastier than the more conventional milanesa.

Not at all (I respectfully disagree, blabla). A melanisa is simply a milanesa you start cooking on the side you usually don't start with. Just saying...