I am using this now by default -- did a couple of experiments, showing the same, it's around 305 payout.
Today I did MERCADOLIBRE (!!!) and it works great. No more picking up and/or schlepping cash to PagoFacil.
1. The net-net is it was about a $135 purchase. This is with this MEP foreign debit card rate floating around 301-305 (?) or so at the moment.
Had I gone to western union, I would have netted a few more percentage points, even after fee. Maybe 311 or so.
So I did "lose" a little on this transaction.
2. The difference between card and WU was about $6.xx, per my calculations, on this transaction. Would have been $129 paid in WU cash instead of $136 on card (contrast that with that it would have been $260+ last week on card).
Again - this was for a somewhat larger purchase. So do with this what you will.
To me to save time dealing with Western Union plus dealing with mercadolibre payment, the extra $6 = worth it. Might not be worth it to others. But this would have been $260+ transaction at prior card rate and I love doing it all from the comfort of my living room (you know, like most of the rest of the developed world

And then of course for a medialuna and cafe the difference will be 6 cents -- well worth not having to deal with the winding serpent of pedestrian death.