Foreign credit cards purchases at MEP rate

So it seems Visa is transparent on their rates... (apologies if this link has been posted already)
And as has been noted, you can check your actual Visa rate in real time here:
I've now done this with 3 purchases and the amount charged to my Visa debit card (in my case in AUD) is correct to the cent. Each appeared on my online bank statement immediately. Must admit I was pleasantly surprised.

My question is which gives the better rate - Visa or Mastercard - or are they identical? Given that Mastercard operates differently to Visa applying refunds after some days, has anyone compared the rates for both? I'm inclined to just use Visa as it's instant and transparent, unless Mastercard is giving a demonstrably best rate after refunding? Appreciate any and all insight!
That link says the conv. rate is 191... that is horrible. Is that accurate for visa? Can anyone confirm?
with VISA I've gotten the rate as advertised on the link above

What I don't understand is how people are getting the MEP rate on Mastercard if the official conversion rate is closer to official. I have a Mastercard but I haven't tried using it yet.
You need to exchange it from ars to usd, ars is the transaction currency and USD is the currency on your card

Yes, I think the confusion is that previously you can do it both ways from US to ARG and ARG to US and it would work both ways. For example, before when I put $1 US to ARG it would put 330 pesos. Maybe that's how hackers were taking advantage of it and buying discounted things.

Now, Visa sounds like they have fixed it and it is correctly showing the right rate when you convert from Argentine pesos to US$.

I know at least in my case, a few weeks ago when you put in the rate to check from $1 US to Argentine Peso it was coming to around 330.

Fabulous that people are getting reimbursed a few days after for both Visa and MC.
Here is an idea...there are a lot of variables. How about doing what I did and buy something small and see what happens in your case!
You need to exchange it from ars to usd, ars is the transaction currency and USD is the currency on your card
you're right. i feel dumb. still though, when this first started working it would show 1 USD equaled ~300ARS per dollar.

now when i check ARS to USD it does in fact show about 335. this means i better be getting a refund applied to my purchases the other day...