Free Health Coverage For All In The City Of Buenos Aires

Perhaps you haven't read that I am a dim bulb, though it's unquestionably true.

Meanwhile, a short distance to the north,


I share information about local health care in the province and you use it as an opportunity to misrepresent and insult me....and actually change what I've written...for at least the fifth time?

What does that say about you?

PS: Regarding the link in your post, I am not a Republican, either. Most of them are weasels, as are most of the Democrats
Steve, once you start engaging, a lot of sympathy for your position drops off, at least on my end. Just keep walking.
Camberiu was much cooler about this.
Steve, once you start engaging, a lot of sympathy for your position drops off, at least on my end. Just keep walking.
Camberiu was much cooler about this.

Frankly Ben, I don't need anybody's sympathy and I do not seek it. The insulting posts in this thread are just a few of hundreds that have been made in the past 30 months by the same individual who never lets an opportunity to be a good Saul Alinsky soldier go to waste. I have ignored the vast majority of them. Imagine what this forum would be like if I started trolling the troll's posts and started making snide, personal comments that had nothing to do with the subject in reply to them.

If a 68 year old man (who is not an even an expat in Argentina) has nothing better to do than dominate this forum with endless fortune cookie comments as well as personal insults which include changing something another member has written and then pretend he is quoting it, he will probably continue to do so until he is stopped by someone who has that power, and "It ain't me."

Scolding me isn't going to make him stop and telling me to "just keep walking" isn't going to make me put up with it every time he does it. You recently said that you only come here about once every two weeks so you probably missed the dozens of snotty of posts which I have ignored in the past month alone. The last time I replied to his insults I added that "I imagine ben will be logging in soon." I was thinking the same thing this afternoon.

PS: I have been member here for almost nine years. In the first 30 months I made a total of about 550 posts. In the first 30 months of his membership, the snide-sniper has made more than 5800 posts. I suggest you (and/or anyone who would like to see the difference in our posts in general) drag your cursor over each of our user names, click on find content, and read the individual posts.Even if you only scan the posts for the past week or two you will be able to draw your own conclusions.
Steve my friend..You rock!

You are the 'Liam Neeson' of this forum! When someone insults you again, Just respond your style :-

I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for ransom, I can tell you I don't have money. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills, skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you stop insulting me here , that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will tame you.

I have orders for an annual eye exam (oftalmologia) and ear exam (ORL = otorrinolaringologia). I presented the orders at the designated window on the main floor along with my yellow CoPS card. After a few minutes, I was given a printout of the appointments with the orders, both for the first week of July at the hospital. (Last year I paid 400AP for an eye exam.)

It was quite simple getting the appointments which are all without charge at the hospital.

My appointment for an ear exam was this morning at 9:30. I asked for directions to the section of the hospital for the appointment. I waited in line to turn over my doctor's order for the exam with the printout for my appointment. The waiting room was full of people waiting to see either the ORL specialist or the eye doctors. The doctor calls you by name. My appointment was on time. He checked my ears, wrote a prescription for drops to use for a week, and scheduled another appointment in ten days.


I didn't know or inquire about a pharmacy in the hospital. I assumed that I could get the drops at a CoPS assigned pharmacy, but that was not the case. Farmacias on the plan require authorization from CoPS at the hospital to give a discount on the prescription. Hospital pharmacies are open in the morning only. I returned too late to the Hospital to get the drops and will go there on Monday morning for the free prescription.

The CoPS plan is all new for me, so I'm passing on this information as reference for those who sign up for the CoPS plan and may need a prescription filled by a pharmacy.

The pharmacy hours are from 9:30-12:30. Present the order and your CoPS card at the window designated for the plan. You are asked to sign the back of the order with your DNI. The order is retained by the pharmacist, and there is no charge for any prescription at the hospital pharmacy.
My appointment for an eye exam was this morning at the Hospital Ramos Mejia at 9:45. As I did last week for my ear exam, I presented the doctor's order and appointment printout at the window. The attendant asks your age, if you live in the capital, if you have another obra social, and if it is your first appointment. Then you are asked to take a seat and wait for your name to be called.

I received excellent attention from the doctor, she checked the pressure which is standard, and told me to return in a year. I arrived at 9:30 and left at 10:45. Considering how many patients they attend, this was very good.
A bit off-topic, but does anyone have a recommendation for a dentist, specifically for a thorough cleaning? We have been to the same dental office for several years, but have never felt the job was done well, so we need to take another look. Thanks!