Get your pots out for the lads!

Shwidelson said:
I'm surprised and mildly amused to find that the online Spanish word reference I use actually has a listing for "Cacerolazo", attributes the term to the Southern Cone and specifically defines it as "banging on pots and pans as political protest.

I heard that Venezuela has cacerolazos since Chavez is in the government.
I think the cacerolazos are long overdue. On the other hand, there are elements of that crowd that are fairly retrograde. I keep my distance. I'm not comfortable with the "Que se vaya" types. But last night I went down to Cabildo and Juramento just to check out the onda. The usual gente bien de Belgrano. Maybe 100 or so blocking the intersection. There were some confrontations with pro K passers-by. One guy was screaming "Manga de fachos! Manga de fachos!" Later, a woman appeared, got right up in their faces screaming "Vende partria!" Both were apoplectic. There would have been physical confrontations had the police not intervened. So, for ten years every imaginable sector of society, with the possible exception of cloistered nuns, has at one point or another taken to the streets. But if the middle and upper classes do so, they're branded as fachos and vende-patria. I see.

I never saw that kind of polarization in 2001. If this continues, and if a large cacerolazo reaches the Plaza de Mayo, there will be violence. It's very much an us/them dynamic. There is no common ground. Be very careful people.
BienTeVeo said:
snip ... So, for ten years every imaginable sector of society, with the possible exception of cloistered nuns, has at one point or another taken to the streets. But if the middle and upper classes do so, they're branded as fachos and vende-patria. I see.

I never saw that kind of polarization in 2001. If this continues, and if a large cacerolazo reaches the Plaza de Mayo, there will be violence. It's very much an us/them dynamic. There is no common ground. Be very careful people.

Yep, and you can bet CFK, inc. will play that to the end!
BienTeVeo said:
So, for ten years every imaginable sector of society, with the possible exception of cloistered nuns, has at one point or another taken to the streets. But if the middle and upper classes do so, they're branded as fachos and vende-patria. I see.

Well said.

The tension is rising, last night at Callao Santa Fe a cameraman & crew from the notorious pro-K 678 tv show were allegedly roughed up by a small part of the anti-K crowd...some of the anti-Ks tried to protect the crew from further harm.

The 678 show played it up to the hilt within minutes to their loyal followers on live TV sit back & watch the violence escalate when kretina sends in her thugs.

The 678 strategy is to pin the U$Dollar logo on any of these cacerolazo demos....they've been successful only at preaching to their own converted...the rest of the public isn't swallowing it.

The Ks have promoted an atmosphere of division & hostility against anyone who is not pro let's see how this plays out.
No wonder her minders never allow journalists to ask her questions directly :)
notebook.fix said:
Well said.

The tension is rising, last night at Callao Santa Fe a cameraman & crew from the notorious pro-K 678 tv show were allegedly roughed up by a small part of the anti-K crowd...some of the anti-Ks tried to protect the crew from further harm.

The 678 show played it up to the hilt within minutes to their loyal followers on live TV sit back & watch the violence escalate when kretina sends in her thugs.

The 678 strategy is to pin the U$Dollar logo on any of these cacerolazo demos....they've been successful only at preaching to their own converted...the rest of the public isn't swallowing it.

The Ks have promoted an atmosphere of division & hostility against anyone who is not pro let's see how this plays out.