In a distant past, I used to be a perfectionistic, slightly hysterical and rather unfriendly, eternally dissatisfied, socially retarded and exclusive armchair philosopher.
Now, I am a desillusioned and cynical creep who likes to bitch on strange forums with other damaged people, but at least I am now alive: I've also adopted a tranqui, Argentine extravagant and open, much more social attitude towards people and life in general. I am sure it sounds like a cliché but I am already glad if I have a few spare coins for a nice cup of coffee and just sit there, smile, and be happy, finally capable of valuing the little things and human contact that many people, that take everything in their lives for granted, are likely to ignore.
I slowly learned to value things that really matter for me, instead of wasting my life the way I used to. I think my character has been changed dramatically by having embraced such a weird country, more than whatever country in the past, and I am eternally grateful for all those lessons I had to learn.