Hate North Americans?

HotYogaTeacher said:
I am sure there are some people who hate anyone or anything they don't understand.

Have you read the thread? If anyone here does not understand, it must be you.

HotYogaTeacher said:
My own experience here is that I have not met a single person who has been truly ugly to me about where I'm from. Mostly they are just interested.

It's not likely that the people who dislike Americans are going to come up and tell you to your face. Like some user suggested, try telling them you are Canadian and see what responses you get from people. I have been here only two months and haven't met many portenos, but I have already had one tell me he didn't like gringos. And he asked me before where I was from. Had I said I was American he probably would have excused himself and walked away.

HotYogaTeacher said:
The US hasn't started a war with Argentina and frankly I think that given Argentina's record for destruction, discrimination, and arbitrary political nonsense they have no place to stand on the issue.

One of the reasons Americans are so hated is because ignorant statements like that. Try reading about Argentina's history and how the CIA supported many of the bloody military coups in this country, and the continent.

And by the way, HotYogaTeacher, aren't people who do Yoga supposed to be humble?
Your posts are obnoxious and incoherent because you insist on quoting almost every syllable of a person's post.

"And by the way, HotYogaTeacher, aren't people who do Yoga supposed to be humble?"

I think you like to make a lot of generalizations, don't you? Another one of those...
orwellian said:
It's not likely that the people who dislike Americans are going to come up and tell you to your face. Like some user suggested, try telling them you are Canadian and see what responses you get from people. I have been here only two months and haven't met many portenos, but I have already had one tell me he didn't like gringos. And he asked me before where I was from. Had I said I was American he probably would have excused himself and walked away.

as someone who has been here longer and meet more protenos I can tell you they most of them do not hate americans, american gov't yes, but americans and american culture not so much. they also don't find me abrasive. but maybe I just tend to hang out with people who aren't assholes. you know, birds of a feather flock together....

also, i would say almost every Argentinean I have meet who has visited the the USA loves it there and wants to go back. They also love shopping at Target and how easy everything is.
bradlyhale said:
Your posts are obnoxious and incoherent because you insist on quoting almost every syllable of a person's post.

Have you looked up coherent in the dictionary lately?

bradlyhale said:
"And by the way, HotYogaTeacher, aren't people who do Yoga supposed to be humble?"

I think you like to make a lot of generalizations, don't you? Another one of those...

How is that a generalization when it was in form of a question? And what else have a generalized about?

arty said:
as someone who has been here longer and meet more protenos I can tell you they most of them do not hate americans

I never said that they do. What I am saying is that some of them do and I am trying to explain why they do it. Which is what this thread is all about.
orwellian said:
I never said that they do. What I am saying is that some of them do and I am trying to explain why they do it. Which is what this thread is all about.

out of curiosity where do you originate from?
orwellian said:
My mothers vagina. And yes, I am obnoxious.

yawn.. old.. i said that in 8th grade, it's a lot better when you say your mother's cunt

I'm gonna guess you are a 5 foot nothing, 100 lbs (45.36 kilo) soaking wet, pasty white euro with bad teeth and inferiority complex.

let's meet for drinks so you can prove me wrong
arty said:
out of curiosity where do you originate from?

orwellian said:
My mothers vagina. And yes, I am obnoxious.

You are not only obnoxious, but also inaccurate. To be precise, you originated from your mother's uterus, possibly entered the world through your mother's vagina, and already confessed that at some point (as a "MF") you reentered.

I have a strong feeling this thread is about to be closed (with or without arty's use of the "C-word" intact) and orwellian may soon join cabj, granadaiscool, and blahblah in baexpat blogger's paradise (without any virgins). Perhaps they can engage in a little nineteen eighty-four-play (which, of course, can be accomplished by orwellian single handedly).
Actually, they had to do a cesarean because my viking ass was too big for my mother.
And vagina just sounded better than uterus :)
Oh orwellian, let me guess... you must also believe that the US is going to at some point invade Argentina to steal the water here?
