La Huella is a really cute cafe in Almagro that also sells organic products, among them, organic coffee!
La Huella queda en Guardia Vieja 3802. Teléfono: 2054-6659 . Horario de atención: lunes a sábado, de 12.30 al cierre
Last time I was at El Galpon, which was several months ago, there were some people selling DELICIOUS organic coffee, I can't remember the brand name. Now that I fell off the green tea wagon and you reminded me, I'm going to go back there just for that!
That said, I agree, coffee is bad for me, but it's SO DARN GOOD!
For the person looking for nondairy / meat substitutes: forget the great variety in the US and become a treasure hunter and learn how to cook!
Defu, in the heart of barrio chino, Arribenos and Mendoza, sobre Arribenos, sells soy milk with or without sugar--ask which color tapita (lid) is con or sin azucar. It will taste a lot stronger than what you are used to, so I might recommend you try at least mixing the unsweetened with the sweet unless you really like your soy au naturel.
Some days they sell rice milk, leche de arroz con mani (with peanut). I don't know why with peanut, but I like it. This is only available sweetened and sometimes they have it and sometimes they don't.
Neither of these will keep a long time in your fridge, three maybe four days, which I think is kind of a good thing, they're not full of preservatives and stabilizers and whatnot.
Then of course you will find tons of various kinds of tofu in Defu as well. I haven't seen any kind of meat substitute besides soy products here, so it's a really good time to learn how to combine beans, nuts, and grains like quinoa to get your protein needs taken care of. El Galpon and various other places sell organic milk, yogurt, cheese and eggs or eggs de campo, not sure exactly what that means but I assume it's free range.
This week I will be living off the huge pot of Navratan Korma I made today. here's the recipe for anyone interested: