Healthy living group


Jun 20, 2006
After living many years on not the best of diets and an addiction to coffee which I beat 2 months ago . I am fully embracing a 90 % raw food diet . My goal is to lose 20 kilos in 3 months and get healthy in the process.

I like to meet similar people who wish to change their lifestyles and live as nature intended us to live . For this reason I like to organise a once a month dinners at healthy restaurants that promote organic , very fresh foods.

I like to hear you views on the best restaurants that can cater to us.
Congratulations on the change. Physical activity will be key to your success in losing weight and keeping it off. I still haven't kicked the coffee habit but intend to in due time.
Why not try a gathering in one of your houses and all together cook some healthy food. I am sorry, but Argentine restaurant does not equal healthy diet.......nor does any restaurant! Try going to the vedurera and buy some vegetables, cut then up, saute 1/2 in a little oil or a LITTLE butter add the rest with a little salt , pepper,and water ......cover and cook until tender.......serve over steamed rice and top with chopped green onion, garlic, and lots of basil oregano and pepper........But don't top it off with 2 kilos of icecream for dessert! some fresh fruit and yogurt,,,,,,,plain yogurt, no sugar, no toppings!
Hi perry, I'm really interested in these issues too, and just brought a couple raw foods cookbooks from the u.s. that you're welcome to photocopy. let me know if you organize something! I'm particularly interested in finding out more about these in BA: water quality (filtering out chlorine, flouride, heavy metals), organic fruits and veggies, grassfed meat and poultry, and non-gmo soy, corn, etc.
james p said:
Why not try a gathering in one of your houses and all together cook some healthy food. I am sorry, but Argentine restaurant does not equal healthy diet.......nor does any restaurant! Try going to the vedurera and buy some vegetables, cut then up, saute 1/2 in a little oil or a LITTLE butter add the rest with a little salt , pepper,and water ......cover and cook until tender.......serve over steamed rice and top with chopped green onion, garlic, and lots of basil oregano and pepper........But don't top it off with 2 kilos of icecream for dessert! some fresh fruit and yogurt,,,,,,,plain yogurt, no sugar, no toppings!

This is a great idea!

If you want to really eat healthy don't eat in restaurants!

Learning how to prepare healthy meals at home is the gateway to better health.

But I also believe in eating only fresh fruit (alone and without yogurt) in the mornings and at least 30 minutes before a meal...and never after.

Read "Fit For Life" by Harvey Diamond for more info about the "correct" way to eat raw fruit and "proper" food combining.

It worked for me in the early 1990s when I hit (and surpassed) 100 K.

I've maintained my weight in the low to mid 80's ever since...even though I don't always follow the "Fit For Life" suggestions.
I was just speaking about this today with a new friend. I am really interested in getting together with folks to learn more about cooking healthy meals! Please keep me posted of any gatherings. I am more than willing to offer up my place as a meeting place/venue, but have to admit I am pretty lacking on the skills/knowledge about cooking.
Count me in! I thought it'd be best to adjust my diet now I'm in a different country with different food. See, I'm from Mexico and back home everything is fried and pork-sy, so I am now determined to do a 180º change.
Sorry I can't make it. It is Half price burger night at the Office
..haha. Well god knows I need to change my diet..... I am one empanada from a heart attack!

But damn it is summer and even quilmes is tasting good on a hot evening!!!!
Tea Connection is rather healthy, or at least fresh - highly recommendable, you always have to wait for a table but it's worth it - and they cater to whatever diet restriction or diet ambition you might have.
They have vegan dishes without being a vegan place - what can I say other than I can't believe I haven't tried it before?

customer service? out of this continent!