How much more are you paying for your health (prepaga) insurance?

Hospital Aleman charges were down 31,000 pesos from last month. Happy to see a little relief, it was starting to become untenable to retain coverage with the broad increases they were making each month. Hoping some more folks can rejoin the private health sector and ease the burden on the public health infrastructure.
After a few months where my premium dropped about $30,000p with Hosp. Italiano, it jumped up to $300,000 for August and informed yesterday that September will see another 5.78% increase. Not a surprise really, but as I've mentioned before, when will it stop?
After a few months where my premium dropped about $30,000p with Hosp. Italiano, it jumped up to $300,000 for August and informed yesterday that September will see another 5.78% increase. Not a surprise really, but as I've mentioned before, when will it stop?
I assume they will continue increasing, but within the boundaries of inflation. Mine (Medicus) stopped increasing for 3 months (never decreased), but it has started again lately: 3.75% in August, 4.5% in September.
If we want to see the glass half full at least they are not going wild anymore, with those 20/30/40% monthly increase (I hope).
My latest increase was due to turning 65 "What a drag it is getting old", losing the discount and not having 10 years on the plan. Will I survive long enough to regain any sort of status? :rolleyes:😣 Magic 8 ball says ... Your life expectancy is X years old. You are teetering on the edge! But possibly.
After a few months where my premium dropped about $30,000p with Hosp. Italiano, it jumped up to $300,000 for August and informed yesterday that September will see another 5.78% increase. Not a surprise really, but as I've mentioned before, when will it stop?

Will it stop..? Milei said sell your dollars under the mattress to pay current expenses.
After a few months where my premium dropped about $30,000p with Hosp. Italiano, it jumped up to $300,000 for August and informed yesterday that September will see another 5.78% increase. Not a surprise really, but as I've mentioned before, when will it stop?
It will stop after nurses, doctors, and medical suppliers stop trying to keep up their salaries with monthly inflation, which is to say...never.
Pay $0.
Becuase the private clinics, hospitals, and the dentists are not expensive. Therefore, I pay by myself every time. Normally, you won't need to go to see doctor every month.
This is an excellent point for those who are younger, and have some emergency fund cushion. Americans have so much trauma with regard to medical costs in the US that it's inconceivable not being insured for risk of utter financial ruin. However, I've found the out of pocket costs here to be much more reasonable.
After a few months where my premium dropped about $30,000p with Hosp. Italiano, it jumped up to $300,000 for August and informed yesterday that September will see another 5.78% increase. Not a surprise really, but as I've mentioned before, when will it stop?
Your premium dropped? 😲 Ours has never stopped going up, 365k Pesos this month for OSDE 210 for two people.