How To Deal With Crazy Argentine Neighbors

Crazy is showing up at the consorcio meeting with a gun. Crazy is putting up posters decrying that the building administration is an agent of the Chinese mafia. Crazy is that one neighbor invents her personal "reglamento" (building by laws, which are a binding legal document, almost impossible to change) and then convinces the other neighbors that this is legal, meaning that she has 70% of the votes but she doesn´t have to pay expenses.
I insist, your neighbors seem like nice folks.

(a lawyer I know swears that coming to a consorcio meeting armed is quite common, and stupid, since there are many witnesses).
Actually, I do not do anything wrong in the gym being a experienced gymmer. But, the ladies do not understand the purpose of a gym. For them, its probably a place to go for a stroll or admire the beautiful gym, or feel proud they own a peace of property in this magnificent building.

I think they dont like that a foreigner is making best use of a gym. Thats really the only problem, they feel their privacy invaded!

I have told the woman upstairs once about the noise. She denied the allegation outright and said " I do not make any noise"! what do I say?

She likes to clean her house around 2 am `4 am using vaccum cleaner and moving her muebles.

Why do you throw the weights on the ground? Are you a crossfitter? Maybe you need to find a box somewhere close to where you live that encourages weights being tossed around ;-)

Me personally, i have no problems gently setting down my 5lb dumbbells after my curls.
Why do you throw the weights on the ground?

No buddy. I do not "throw" weights on the ground. I am not mad! Their are people in this world who would make false allegations against you about anything they can if they dont like u. That is what I face, with these women.
I am surprised an apartment block gym has enough machines and free weights (over 5 kg) for a bodybuilder.

Wear some small gym shorts and let the old Johnson hangout in front of the girls. :eek:
You either won't see them again or you will have someone to spot you :D
Actually, I do not do anything wrong in the gym being a experienced gymmer. But, the ladies do not understand the purpose of a gym. For them, its probably a place to go for a stroll or admire the beautiful gym, or feel proud they own a peace of property in this magnificent building.

I think they dont like that a foreigner is making best use of a gym. Thats really the only problem, they feel their privacy invaded!

I have told the woman upstairs once about the noise. She denied the allegation outright and said " I do not make any noise"! what do I say?

She likes to clean her house around 2 am `4 am using vaccum cleaner and moving her muebles.


If you don't like it you can move to Chile.
Best way to deal with the noise? just another noise... like a fan, not a ceiling fan, at low speed and facing away from you if it is too cold. background white noise sort of thing, takes a couple of nights to get used to but works! ;)
An Argentine friend of mine had problems with the neighbors above him putting on music very very loud on the weekdays at 3 am in the morning. This what he did:

1. First time at 3 AM, he went and knocked on the door and told him to turn down the music. The guy complied.
2. The second time it happened, he did the same. The guy turned it down, then turned it back up after 15 min.
3. The third time, my friend went downstairs to the door, got some very strong glue that dries quickly, and glued down the buzzer to the apartment above him. He never had a problem again.

Note that you have to confront your neighbor, otherwise she won't change her behavior. Also note that you better act like you are really peeved. Make sure when you go that your face is red with anger and a vein is popping out on your head. In my experience, no one ever responds to you here unless you act like you are going to beat the crap out of them. Even for something rather minute.

If you are big guy, then you should definitely use that to your advantage. At 1.95 m I am a fairly big guy, and I can't tell you how many times that this has worked in my favor. An observation I have made is that most Argentines are afraid of people much bigger than them. In fact once a guy tried to mug me without a weapon. I looked at am with a mean face and said 'QUE dijiste'. 'Nada' he replied. He walked away. Make sure if you are tall that you sort of tower over your neighbor and be extremely firm.

As far as the weights go, if you aren't doing what the ladies claim then just completely ignore them. Argentines ignore others complaints about things much worse than that. What are they going to do to you?