'Culture' simply means, for me, 'the way you think' and it has many different levels and directions. For me Argentina has possibly the richest culture in the world if we measure its cultural production. It simply has the best range and density of art, music, theatre, literature, dancing, folklore, imagination, historical magic, and everything else. Its culture is its wealth. That culture also encompasses deep prejudices and assumptions. That is the paradox of this country: that it is rich in cultural capacity and imagination and yet its political vision and imagination is impoverished to absurdity. It has tremendous pride in its nationhood and history while also having deep cynicism about its collective ability to make the right choices and live by good standards. This makes its politics infantile and childlike: people look for heroes and heroines like San Martin to ride over the hill and save them from themselves. They throw endless parties and celebrations so life become a children's party with lots of cake and candles and songs. Yet they are literate and sophisticated in an old fashioned way with hundreds of bookshops while the rest of the world is largely dumping paper books. A major difficulty is that the inequalities seem insurmountable. You cannot hope to be wealthy except by corrupt behaviour and so everyone plays the game of negative sanctions or cancel-me-out. If you pay me low wages I will make sure I don't work too hard and if you sack me I will make sure to try and use the labour laws against you. So negative incentives rule and everyone finds a reason not to believe, to be cynical as a lazy way of continuing. This makes them vulnerable to fantasies of saviours like Peron or Macri who offer total solutions while in practice disempowering people from really doing it themselves. That for me is the richness and the poverty of Argentinian culture.