Ambassador, we are all insane, that's why. There's a reason there are more psychiatrists in Buenos Aires than any other city in the world
(giggle - just kidding). Also, looking from outside, you may not realize that there is an ongoing battle between Chile and Argentina. Argentinians, as a rule, do not like Chileans either (gringos may not have an opinion about that but lots of local folks do!). I talked with an impressive young couple lately who told me they will leave Argentina (because of the situation here) as soon as they finish their education and they are very sad. So I said, "If you're that sad, why don't you just cross the mountains to Chile?" They said no, Argentinians can't live in Chile, there is too much prejudice against us there.
My Opthalmologist has told me he doesn't like people from Chile, several friends have told me that. My friends in Chile have also told me all about Argentina. The problem may be partly from the war over the border--I really don't know. It does seem that Chile may provide a better business environment. Also Uruguay is a great country but people consider Uruguay boring as well, by comparison. I have asked several Uruguayans who lived in Argentina for years which country they prefer. Right down to the last person they say, "For making money--Argentina; for quality of life--Uruguay." An older Argentina friend, who lived in Uruguay for years, told me the biggest mistake she and her husband have ever made was leaving Uruguay to return to Argentina. So you see, it isn't all cut and dried and what you hear on the Chile forum isn't the whole story.