I See Larger Headcount Of Gringo In Argentina Vs Rest

He's not an economist at all, but he's a pretty good president (although almost anybody would appear good after the previous buffoon).
He is a terrible president. Almost as bad as "the previous buffoon". He's just a much beter liar and he has the liberals on his side, unconditionally. That's all there is to it. If Bush was a EF-5 twister, B.O. is an EF-4. He just makes people think of him as a "fun storm"
From the queen of liberalism (in the US sense) in the media herself.

He is a black tony blair and look what that slimy shit did for the UK.

Film director Oliver Stone—who has made no secret of his liberal political views—called President Barack Obama a “snake” for his role in National Security Agency spying programs that have become, he said, more about silencing protestors than finding terrorists.

“Obama is a snake,” Stone told an audience in Tokyo on Monday. “He’s a snake. And we have to turn on him.”

As a democratic socialist it makes me laugh whenever people call Obama a socialist, or even a liberal.
It's also funny because people (particularly staunch neo-cons/conservative republicans) like to say that the left loves Obama,
and I can assure you this is not the case.

I remember when I was a volunteer on Elizabeth Warren's senate campaign in the final stretch in November, and we had a small meeting
at our field office about different things and the topic of when we polled people at their houses on who they supported, whether it was wise
to assume that Warren supporters where going to go for Obama too. The manager at the office laughed sorta at the other volunteer's question
about split voting, and asked rhetorically whether people would split Warren/Stein like I supported.

Anyways, point I wanted to make is that Obama is essentially centrist, and by old GOP standards he could have ran as a Republican during the pre-fanaticism GOP from the 60's to 80's.

Hell, I could see all the people "teabagging for Jesus" in today's GOP calling Reagan a RINO or Socialist, except without the racist signs at protests.

As a democratic socialist it makes me laugh whenever people call Obama a socialist, or even a liberal.
It's also funny because people (particularly staunch neo-cons/conservative republicans) like to say that the left loves Obama,
and I can assure you this is not the case.

I remember when I was a volunteer on Elizabeth Warren's senate campaign in the final stretch in November, and we had a small meeting
at our field office about different things and the topic of when we polled people at their houses on who they supported, whether it was wise
to assume that Warren supporters where going to go for Obama too. The manager at the office laughed sorta at the other volunteer's question
about split voting, and asked rhetorically whether people would split Warren/Stein like I supported.

Anyways, point I wanted to make is that Obama is essentially centrist, and by old GOP standards he could have ran as a Republican during the pre-fanaticism GOP from the 60's to 80's.

Hell, I could see all the people "teabagging for Jesus" in today's GOP calling Reagan a RINO or Socialist, except without the racist signs at protests.


I TOTALLY agree with you. That's what makes me even sicker about Obama. He lies even about where he stands. Now about liberals not loving him, well.... Look at your buddy (ajknoblauch) here, he loves him, mainstream media (worships him), vulnerable groups and minorities... well you get the picture. As I said, he really isn-t much better than Bush. He signed the controversial NDAA laws.... he's a total liar... and it really pisses me off that he makes people think he's something else because he's such a good con artist. If you think about it he might have been very successful using those skills if he had ever ended up here in Arg.
It all boils down to one thing...keep the horse & pony show going. Left right, blue red, black or white president, as long as they can keep the people distracted, wall street, the banks & the old financial mafia keeps plundering & stealing the people's last bit of wealth. Obama is just the latest Puppet.

Here in Argentina, in terms of societal decay, we're just a little more advanced than our brothers up in the north :) First they take the media & the banks, then public services & general education takes a hit,,,from there it's a downhill ride all the way.