In your opinion, who do you think should win in the next presidential election?
And what are 2-3 specific policies you think they should enact to improve the country?
I think the second question is important, because most people I ask never give an even semi-feasible answer. Their "solutions" are usually along the lines of, "Enact a law that says CEOs and janitors must earn the same salary! Kick out all multinational companies! Make gas, light, water and public transportation 100% free... while also lowering taxes!"
Well, to desnazificate the law, tax and Court because it asfixiates the economy. I give you an example: you have a special Court system where the State has a priviledge so, you always loose. And they deal with tax and this is why everybody evade and has employed under the table. This was created in 1951 while the Constitution of 1949 (copied from Carl Schitt) was valid.
The III Reich has a suicidal economy and law system that worked out based on conquering other countries and slave labor force. When you apply it in peace times you can see how to destroy one of the most dynamic economies of the world like Argentina used to be.
Who can win? There are no candidates yet. I like Moreau, a radical a radical close to Alfonsin father. However the team that is going to happend is a revival of the same team that rebuilted the country after the 2001 with Saa, Lavagna, etc. Because the same team that destroyed the country then is ruling now and they are doung the same.
So, my proposals are:
1) to abolish the Contencioso Administrativo forum because it belong to the mild nazi abolished Constitution;
2) to abolish the labor forum for the same reasons;
3) to abolish the immigration law and all the restrictions (like to have DNI for opening a bank account) that enforces the same public law restriction to foreigners that in the III Reich (prohibition of work, stay, immigration police, foreigners has no rights) because at the NC there are only citizens and inhabitants. The category foreigners does not exist, the distinction used at the immigration law you can find it in the best seller Mein Kampf . If they leave here they are inhabitants with full civil rights at the NC but not at the common law.
4) to abolish the income tax law that is a confiscatory tax created under the [permanent] emergency state of the 1949 Constitution;
5) to abolish the unitary tax system going back to the federal tax system where the provinces collects the tax and they send a % to the central government. Now it is the President who collect tax and use the money that belongs to the provinces for extorting them. Cordoba is a good example of a province that gets too much while Chubut is being asfixiated because they are oppositors.
6) to pay off the IFM again to avoid it to interference the economy;