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Eastern Europeans - curious(expect to be called ruso)
Africans - suspicious yet curious or assumed to be Brazilian (expect to be called negro)
Asians - suspicious, yet probably as amigos with the new Chinese loans. (expect to be called chino, regardless of country of origin)

Middle Eastern - curious yet suspicious (expect to be called a turco)
Colombian - suspicious not curious (expect to be called cortado doble)

Does anyone know what people from the Indian Subcontinent are called here?
Indian Subcontinent - curious, maybe suspicious or as a yoga guru (expect to be called hindu)

I don't want to shock poor moving_wind... embarrass to say how much the colour of your skin matters in this country

Kinda like dough, it shouldn't be undercooked but by no means should it be burnt!
I am being sensitive because I have no idea what nationality people are here. I think if you are talented no one will care what your nationality is but if you have the right nationality, things are just easier. I guess it is the same everywhere, though?

Argentinians are very friendly if they look up to your culture or can relate to it! let's say you are Italian, Spanish, we have a lot in common with them. Now if you were born in Montenegro, people might not be as open? What do you guys think?
I've met a guy from Montenegro in Buenos Aires and he was quiet alright, he didn't disclose his origin easily or readily because of the troubling and very recent history of war in that part of the world.