Is $2 Million Usd Enough To Retire With In Argentina?

please suggest some good websites to meet some nice Latina women?


please suggest some good websites to meet some nice Latina women? I met quite a few women on that site including my wife. This was several years ago so I have no idea if it is still worth the effort or not. I had one rule I always used which was you have to video cam meet before you meet for real. The first for real meet was always just a cafe.
Oh I am sorry! I forgot I am on the baexpat forums. I need to clarify that my reply was regarding the OPs original post which had to do with retirement. Retirement at age 50 no less, in which case 2M is not allot of money. Can it be done? I believe it is possible but you’re talking about potentially 40 years or even more of retirement which with current market trends and interest returns etc. You would be wise to plan on living under the 50K a year mark and practicing frugality. And I guarantee that in 15 years 50K is going to be peanuts. Hell it is almost peanuts now.

Of cource the OP could jet down to BA buy a Ferrari and party like its 1999 at the Harem with Dom Perignon. Let me see...

300K for the Ferrari
that leave 1.7M
$600 a night for the parties wel I am sure some of them would hit a $1000 easy.

Well that party would be over 1700 days a far cry from 40 years.

You dont need to clarify anything , your statement was $2m isnt alot of money these days. Maybe its not in some of the richest cities in the world but we`re not talking about that , we`re talking about Argentina as we`re on the BAexpats forum.
Myself , my wife and two kids live off $20k a year here. We have a 4 bed house with swimming pool that we own outright, we have a 2 year old 4x4. We eat out twice a week. We have 4 televisions, 2 playstations. We have one other property without a mortgage that we rent out that is increasing in value and rent yearly. I regard myself as well off in Argentina, I dont live frugally. But my family is living on almost a 1/3rd of what the original poster would like to live on with only himself and his wife.
So if you go around saying $2m isnt alot of money, expect to me lamblasted for it,otherwise go onto the forum and you might get more sympathy.

I dont mean to be nasty, but when I see on a daily basis here entire families on a back of a moped ,living in 1 bed houses that take 10 years to complete it really winds me up when I read messages from foreigners coming or living here that seem to be ignorant to how the majority of people live here exist. Argentina isnt recoleta or belgrano, its the 40+ million who live in poverty compared to 1st world countries.
Imagine the surprise. With a little spinning and some slap stick humor that story would make a great comedy, for expats at least.

How ironic you would mention this. I did not 'react" either positively or negatively when she revealed he her true age, but having already seen her in the morning without make-up and observed "interesting creases" in her face that were obviously the result of cosmetic surgery, I knew there was a possibility that her "stated age" (her exp<b></b>ression) on the dating website was not accurate. Neither were other "details' about her physical appearance.

It had been quickly apparent after she entered my house and had taken off her full length cashmere overcoat, that she was at least 2" shorter than 5'8" (her "stated height" on the dating website) and weighed 10 to15 lbs more than her "stated weight" of 125lbs. It was also clear that her "ethnicity" was not Caucasian as stated on the website, an observation that was further supported by her own statement that she has "olive" skin (which made no difference to me whatsoever).

Shortly after her visit I began writing the screenplay about an American man in his 50's who moves to Argentina and then "Goes Galt" in the pampas. I had been sending various "scenes" to her to get her feedback and, thinking it was time to let her know what I thought about the deception, I wrote a "lighthearted (at least in my opinion) scene where two of her women friends (fictions) "scolded" her for lying about her age on the dating website and not telling me the truth for more than seven months.

Two days after I sent the dialog to her (exactly one year ago last night) I received an email from her informing me that I should "not feel the need to call" (again...ever).

I firmly believe that it was something that one of her "friends" said to her in the dialog that brought an end to our little real-life drama. Even out of context, I think everyone here will see why the relationship came to an abrupt end.

The line followed comments from her friends how young she looked thanks to multiple plastic surgeries, regular Bowtox injections, and fresh (stem) cell therapy.

The line was.: "and he hasn't even seen the back of your thighs or your sixty-four year old naked butt."

In the six days she was at my house we never even kissed. Once, however, when I was lying in bed next to her (we were just watching a movie) and I turned to say something, she apparently thought I was about to kiss her. Her quick response was, "Down boy." and she said it just like she was talking to a dog.

PS: One of the titles I thought of for the comedy-drama of my experience with her is "Theft By Deception: An Argentine Love Story" but I have decided to concentrate on more important issues and deal with characters with a lot more character.
Hey Steve, why don'y you allow us to be your proofreaders instead of some 419 scammer hag? You're book sounds quiet fun (except, was there elective plastic surgery back in the 1950s?)

But he's got it right, that's how you treat 419ers, much like loonies (although they're not), you just gotta agree with them and one up them.
I'm still looking at investments for 2 Million that give a reasonable 4%. I'm sure I'm the first person doing this task.
You dont need to clarify anything , your statement was $2m isnt alot of money these days. Maybe its not in some of the richest cities in the world but we`re not talking about that , we`re talking about Argentina as we`re on the BAexpats forum.
Myself , my wife and two kids live off $20k a year here. We have a 4 bed house with swimming pool that we own outright, we have a 2 year old 4x4. We eat out twice a week. We have 4 televisions, 2 playstations. We have one other property without a mortgage that we rent out that is increasing in value and rent yearly. I regard myself as well off in Argentina, I dont live frugally. But my family is living on almost a 1/3rd of what the original poster would like to live on with only himself and his wife.
So if you go around saying $2m isnt alot of money, expect to me lamblasted for it,otherwise go onto the forum and you might get more sympathy.

I dont mean to be nasty, but when I see on a daily basis here entire families on a back of a moped ,living in 1 bed houses that take 10 years to complete it really winds me up when I read messages from foreigners coming or living here that seem to be ignorant to how the majority of people live here exist. Argentina isnt recoleta or belgrano, its the 40+ million who live in poverty compared to 1st world countries.

Your assumptions precede you very well and your thinking and reaction fits right into the mindset that got Argentina where it is today. Hopefully one day you and your country will outgrow that. At around the same time in my life, that you in now, I was in a very similar position. House, kids, cars, job etc. Over the years things changed, slowly year in year out doing what needed to be done with a measure of diligence and some excellence. I hope your experience proves to be the same. As I am sure in fact 100% positive the same can be accomplished in Argentina as I have witnessed it in my wife’s family.

One generation ago in poverty started out as uneducated farm hands with nothing but a one room shack actually less than that. This or the very next generation a very well off Doctor and an agricultural engineer. Both of whom rose out of the poverty you refer to as "winding you up" concerning my statement. Both of whom got their educations for free and worked their ways up the later so to say. Based on that truth or those facts which I have witnessed I have an entirely different reaction to the villas and the poverty.

No worries you have not lambasted me or been nasty. You have shown me that you are only able to analyze the circumstances around you with limited understanding and insight and that you are ready to react emotionally out of your perceived understanding. I have seen reactions like yours many times over the years and the more I see such reactions the more I understand.

Let me clarify again. Take a deep breath in and out. OK? Now perhaps I should have stated 2M is not allot to retire on at 50 years of age. I was as I said replying to the OP not the choir. Evaluate what is going to happen to 2M over a possible 40 year span living in pure retirement not working at all. Do some research on what happens to money over time, long periods of time. Then make some evaluations of what seems to be going on with money at this time in history. Retiring at 50 would be great but it would be ahead of curve and result in potentially 40 years or more of retirement especially given that fact medical science in now significantly expanding longevity. Of course by itself 2M is a significant amount of money but spanned out over possibly 40 years it is not going to be allot of money.

Finally, I surely have no need for sympathy.
Hey Steve, why don'y you allow us to be your proofreaders instead of some 419 scammer hag? You're book sounds quiet fun (except, was there elective plastic surgery back in the 1950s?)

Actually, the ¨hag¨ (she only looked like one in her 2012 DNI photo when she had skipped the Botox for about six months) was my muse, at least for a while and encouraged me to write, telling me that I had ¨missed my calling¨ by not pursuing a writing career earlier in life.

I was the one who had abdominal surgery in 1953. It wasn´t elective plasticsurgery.
How ironic you would mention this. I did not 'react" either positively or negatively when she revealed he her true age, but having already seen her in the morning without make-up and observed "interesting creases" in her face that were obviously the result of cosmetic surgery, I knew there was a possibility that her "stated age" (her exp<b></b>ression) on the dating website was not accurate. Neither were other "details' about her physical appearance.

I was actually being sarcastic as it is so common for people to post younger images and information about themselves. But what a story and its getting better by the post.

Perhaps we should start a new thread for this... I had a few interesting moments in Argentina back in the not so back days too. I always found "the we could get married etc" remarks on the first date interesting. One of the first times I went out with a women in Arg who was single and older really struck me. The first church the taxi drove by she pointed at the church and said "I like get married". After hearing that I was thinking to myself would it be safe to open the door and dive out of the taxi? After that my crazy woman radar was set to hyper sensitive.