Is $2 Million Usd Enough To Retire With In Argentina?

Garryl there's only one telo in town and you know what it is.....

Musicman, even to a novice like me, everything abt your posts is fishy. if I had 2m$ i would be a bit non-inclined to broadcast over a public forum not to mention risk being scrutinised by those who unfortunately do not have 2mn$.

you know what sexier than a Ferrari?? Discretion.

(And btw there's a proverb in arabic that goes "dogs who bark don't bite".)
@Garryl, you mean with his wife of course1--remember he's married!
por supuesto, con su mujer solamente. It's just a harmless city tour, if Musicman ever makes to BsAs. I am not too worried. But I do understand what you meant. :)
Sorry but pls tell me what's wrong with being successful in life and asking a few questions on this forum - I really hope I haven't offended anybody with this as it wasn't my intention at all
While we're doing quotable quotes, 2 million dollars isn't cool. You know what's cool? One billion dollars!
Musicman I wasn't trying to be nasty (I never am), but really?!
So say you got the 2mn$, you're smart enough and successful enough to have accumulated that. Why do you need advice from ppl on a forum, 95% of whom are not and will never be in your position ? if you've made it this far you can probably calculate if you can live off 2mn or 4mn.
Unless of course its just a bragging post. Then, well, I can't blame the harsh posts.

So you finally decided that you need 4mn.. And you can save another 2mn in 2yrs... If that's so then I really really really want to meet you NOW
Hi - well where else can you discuss these types if things with expats in Argentina? I thought there may be some retirees here who were in a similar position to give some advice
You can discuss them with your smart self who has made 2mn$ or your similarly affluent friends. besides you have managed to discover that 2 is not enough but 4 is, based on your own "research". So you're capable of making your own calculations.

Just saying, you're not a 19 yr old moving to a new city and clueless abt cost of living..
Yea I know and just looking for some feedback from you all - perhaps we could meet for a coffee next time I am in town and I can explain myself better
Hello Musicman.
One option is to never ever bring that kind of money (which again these days it not that much! but still constitutes evil capital accumulation) into Argentina, but operate from Uruguay. You can even invest that money from Uruguay, even inside Uruguay (and other safe South American countries) maybe one tenth of it on a high risk high yield food growing company (10%-12% or even more depending on the weather), and the rest on very safe bonds expecting no more than 4%.
Colonia del Sacramento is a fun-filled World Heritage Site in Uruguay just a pleasant 40 minute ferry ride away from Puerto Madero.
If Buenos Aires is the Paris of the South then no doubt Montevideo is the Montecarlo of the South, even if you live in that cosmopolitan capital (or even glamorous Punta del Este, the Cap Ferrat of the South) you can still enjoy Buenos Aires during the winters or 4 or 5 days a week, as you please.

Buenos Aires is more enjoyable if you don't have to live full time within its limits.