I'm engaged to an argie. He came here (Sweden, where I currently live) to visit me in December, he paid his tickets himself - which I know was something of an economical sacrifice for him as well as his family - he brought, not only me, but all of my family that he had never met before, heaps of presents, and he even wanted to take me out to restaurants and such. I think it was a hard blow to his selfesteem when I refused to let him pay the bill in the end, knowing that the sum is at least threefold to a restaurant bill in Argentina. So, no. That behavior is not "normal". Anywhere. But unfortunately I've heard a couple of stories like that, and that of Syngirl's too. That's why it never crossed my mind to offer to pay for his tickets, how much in love or newly engaged I ever was (and IS, when it comes to the in-love part
) It's challenging to be in a relationship where I know that the cost of an airline ticket for me is slightly more than a half a month's salary, but for him it's six or seven months. It's also a bit shameful, like it hits right on the spot of all the advantages we take for granted, being born in "the first world". But you can't pay off the unequalities with expensive gifts. You can only hope that the love is stronger.