It’s official Joe Biden becomes the 46 President of the United States.

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Why not? Is Trumpeteer or Biden-ite an offensive term? Why would someone be offended to be associated with something they support?

I support Biden as much as I can considering my position, so it's fine to call me that. Something I notice with Trump supporters is they seem to deny that support when confronted with it and instead hide behind "supporting America" or "It's not about Trump, it's about Patriotism". At the same time, most they say (or in this case, post) screams "I support Trump".

So yeah, if I support Biden I am a Biden-ite and if you support Trump you're a Trumpeteer or any other of those kinds of words. Tell me what's offensive about that?

And if you think someone calling a whole group of people a gay slur for simply having a difference of opinion than them is "pretty civil", I would say that doesn't exactly put you in a great light. Also, I think debating in bad faith by moving the goal posts and perpetuating many of the myths the last presidency thrived on is not civil. The words have been polite but some of the debate, at times, has been anything but.
I'll put it as kindly as I can. The president's son was peddling influence to the tune of millions that were spread amongst his family, including old Joe. You may not believe it but if China decides to invade Taiwan and Biden doesn't honor our security commitments to Taiwan we'll know why. And we already know that Biden is stopping construction of the border wall and is moving to give millions illegally in the U.S. permanent status if not outright citizenship. And is putting us back under the Paris Accords which will put a huge anchor on the economy while not requiring the world's worst polluters, China and India, to follow suit for years. Let's not forget the war on fossil fuels with him already shutting down the Keystone pipeline. And on it goes. I predict Republican success in the midterms once people realize the scope of harm being done to their future.
I listened to the video. I read the report. I didn't hear or read Limbaugh "suggest Obama deliberately encouraged the spread of ebola to punish white people."

Limbaugh is more subtle than a clown like Glenn Beck. But whilst he's subtle he still contributes to a toxic narrative, and has a role in repeating and amplifying lies. It's important to consider the context in which comments are made.

"Birtherism" was a conspiracy theory. Some believed it, others repeated it because it served their interests or pandered to their audiences. Limbaugh contributed to the narrative that Obama was a foreign born muslim arab, by repeatedly referring to him as being Arab. His reasoning was that Kenya is an Arab part of Africa. This is lazy and inaccurate but serves a purpose - Limbaugh gives himself permission to call Obama an Arab in chorus with other right wing commentators, conspiracy theorists and racists.

Obama bringing in Ebola was another conspiracy theory. Mostly fringe nutjob stuff, and weak minded celebs - Chris Brown announced it was a form of population control. Against this backdrop, Laura Ingraham helpfully contributed her perspective that Obama was happy for US soldiers to contract and spread ebola to atone for colonialism. Limbaugh said the same - that political correctness and white guilt were influencing policy. Both talked of "redistribution" - of wealth away from US, and ills towards the US in the interests of fairness.

If you don't see anything objectionable in anything you read or hear, and have decided on reflection that it's all reasonable, objective analysis made in good faith by impartial commentators, that's certainly your prerogative.
I'll put it as kindly as I can. The president's son was peddling influence to the tune of millions that were spread amongst his family, including old Joe. You may not believe it but if China decides to invade Taiwan and Biden doesn't honor our security commitments to Taiwan we'll know why. And we already know that Biden is stopping construction of the border wall and is moving to give millions illegally in the U.S. permanent status if not outright citizenship. And is putting us back under the Paris Accords which will put a huge anchor on the economy while not requiring the world's worst polluters, China and India, to follow suit for years. Let's not forget the war on fossil fuels with him already shutting down the Keystone pipeline. And on it goes. I predict Republican success in the midterms once people realize the scope of harm being done to their future.
Here it is folks, the very next post proves my point. You're moving the goal posts, trying to distract. I didn't discuss the policies of either Trump or Biden and chose my words very carefully when saying "I support Biden as much as I can considering my position."

Regardless of Biden or Obama, do you think Trump contributed to some myths during his presidency?
David Frum is a horse's ass who served in the W administration -- the most cataclysmic since the Vietnam war. Has he ever accepted an ounce of responsibility?
which is why his viewpoint is interesting. He is, indeed, an extreme right wing horses ass- and even he sees the incredible hypocrisy of Trump, who is an even bigger Horses Ass. The way you get a complete picture of the news is not by shooting messengers, however despicable they are. Even Karl Rove is right once in a while.

But everything Frum points to in this opinion piece is verifiable fact.
And, as far as accepting responsibility- Trump has no equal in that regard.
I wholehearted agree with the first part of your post and think it's great to have friends with diverse backgrounds, opinions, ideologies. It makes for a more interesting life.

Certainly Trump was the swamp, he rescinded the lobbyist ban for former staff on his way out the door, the same one he enacted when he arrived. His cabinet was filled with "the swamp" too.

But David Frum??? This guy should be tried for war crimes at the Hague. He was a war propagandist for George W Bush and helped sell the Iraq invasion using false information which led to hundreds of thousands of deaths. I find it pretty shameless that he has tried to rebrand himself has an arbiter of morality and truth. In any decent society he would be banished and never heard from again for contributing to the suffering of millions without any remorse for his actions.
I dont like Frum at all. But he is certainly no worse than Kissinger, who is still acclaimed by many more people.
Again, my point is even people like Frum can see what a complete failure Trump was on every level.
And his piece, if you read it, is not about redeeming Frum.
Its about what Trump actually did.
Which is much more important.
Sounds to me like you're trying to control what's being said on this forum. No diversity of thought and opinion. Only you and those who agree with you are allowed. How very liberal of you.
Oh please, don't misunderstand. Although it must of touched a nerve? No control on what's being said on this forum intended.
Indeed what's being said on this forum is very helpful and useful, to know at a glance people self identifying their promotion and support for the 'leaders" who unfortunately had corrupt power over US policy and it's citizens and some might say nearly destroyed it. Certainly they've applauded the destruction of Democracy,
Racist attempts to undermine President Obama over a birth certificate, constant and voluminous lies by Trump most recently clocked at over 30,500 in 4 years undermining trust in the government, the witholding from the American public information of a deadly virus at the outset that has now killed over 400,000 Americans. The fraudulent and empty promise of a vaccine distribution system that's now known to be EMPTY. The caging of innocent people at US borders, the policy of forever separating children from they parents. The support of racism in a multitude of ways. The support of fascists and nazis in the country. Ongoing program to overturn the Presidential election. The encouragement and incitement of thousands to charge and overrun the US Capitol buildings, resulting in deaths, and destruction and a state of emergency nation wide. I could go on, it's the short list.
If you want to call that 'diversity of thought and opinion' so be it. Looks more like mindless individuals who haven't an original thought, just blindly following the greatest corruption in the US ever.
Don't expect a free ride.
Here is another traditional conservative voice, writing for one of the most "respected" conservative publications, on Trump-

"Let me refresh your memory: On the day Donald Trump was sworn in as president, Republicans controlled not only the White House but both houses of Congress. They were in a historically strong position elsewhere as well, controlling both legislative chambers in 32 states. They pissed that away like they were midnight drunks karaoke-warbling that old Chumbawumba song: In 2021, they control approximately squat. The House is run by Nancy Pelosi. The Senate is run, as a practical matter, by Kamala Harris. And Joe Biden won the presidency, notwithstanding whatever the nut-cutlet guest-hosting for Dennis Prager this week has to say about it."

Limbaugh is not news in any way shape or form. I used to listen to him in LA in the 80s, before he was even national, and he is an entertainer, who will say whatever outrageous thing will get him listeners and, therefore, advertisers.
If you don't see anything objectionable in anything you read or hear, and have decided on reflection that it's all reasonable, objective analysis made in good faith by impartial commentators, that's certainly your prerogative.
If the video and the news report turned up by another poster is the only evidence that Limbaugh suggested what it is claimed said he suggested, the claim does not hold up. Others may have suggested what is attributed to Limbaugh. He may have done so on another occasion, in another broadcast. But at the moment, it seems to me we don't have something he said, we have something we want him to have said. Context is important; the context was to respond to the challenge "to show where FOX News or major conservative commentators like Rush Limbaugh were repeating lies about Obama." I don't see it, in the example used. That's all.
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