So just following your line of reasoning... you, a first world successful man who knows well that Argentine are inferior because of genetics, married an Argentine. Please help me here.
Tell your wife who studied genetics so well to explain you how a country so open to immigration like Argentine has a diverse gene pool and how important is this diversity to survive bouts of selection. Please ask her to explain you what genetic drift is and how the law of large numbers also applies to genetics.
Let me help you here. You wrote something extremely stupid (and offensive to the people of the country that is hosting you). Do not worry, we all do at a point in time. You had three options (1) Apologize but that requires the guts you seem to not have, (2) Keep quiet for a while until we forget about it, or (3) Try to save face and write something even more stupid to keep your stupid argument going. You chose the worst possible option. I am not surprised as you have also chose to marry what according to you is poor genetic material.
Your argument about genetics and Argentines is so so so stupid that it really hurts me to read it. I thought you were trolling but you seem to believe it. Do you also believe in Aryan supremacy?