First of all, my Spanish is not great. Can someone confirm to me whether or not Killcof traveled in economy or not?
To start, the whole thing is a bit unwholesome. If the anti-semitic chants are right, I will be disgusted, regardless of whatever context they were in. I would be just as much offended as I would be offended by someone saying f**king faggot etc, whether in a debate or being a football player and hearing the chants form the stands. Either way it is no way to engage with someone, with or without anger.
However I understand the frustration of many. The current administration don't help themselves with their disgust for the media. Cristina especially and others refuse regular and open discourse with the media that is expected and demanded of a democracy as a means of engagement and checks and balances. They scorn it. They DICTATE to them. They through their anger don't realise that the media, as their name suggests are a MEDIUM to people. You may hate the messenger but the people still want the message. When you scorn the media and ignore them, you are not answering the questions, fears, anger of your people and nation you were elected to represent. So when the average person sees you on the street and not in your gilded tower, they are going to vent their grievances at you. It may or may not be wholesome or nice but you rejected the chance to hone that frustration by rejecting the media. You have only yourself to blame. CFK is very protected with her guards and compound in Olivos but in this case Killcof was not and he heard the voice of the population as much as it was unedited and unwholesome.
I feel sorry for his family but in many ways his actions and the actions of the administration he has given loyalty too has caused this event.