Kicillof Has A Bad Day - And He Deserves It!

Nice post D2BA.

Is the balance a coalition government? Maybe possible in Europe but very difficult in Argentina.

Maybe less so in future? I don't know, is there any hope for Scioli, Macri and a few others to meet somewhere in the middle. They make noises like it's possible, something will tear them both out to the edges of reason though I'm sure.
Check the video.
What a contrast between Argentina and Uruguay: Mujica. So humble, my hero.

Indeed, there is a bit of a discrepancy though between his economic development speech, putting on the brakes and re-thinking modern growth policies etc and Uruguay's free trade zones? Don't get me wrong, those free trade zones are great for Uruguay, it's just that sometimes the soundbites depart from reality.

Also, Uruguay are looking at increasing inflation, heading towards 10%. Imho they have a few years left in the tank before they become uncompetitve and undesirable. It's easy enough to deregulate banking and open the doors to growth (Ireland up to 2007-ish) it's a much more difficult task to maintain competitiveness and develop local companies whose value lies in their own skills/IPO/manufacturing output, not just a set of artificially created economic they internal or external.
Check the video.
What a contrast between Argentina and Uruguay: Mujica. So humble, my hero.

El Pepe my heroe also...!! but what about leadership and charisma?? should a statesman have it? to lead an motivate?

First of all, my Spanish is not great. Can someone confirm to me whether or not Killcof traveled in economy or not?

To start, the whole thing is a bit unwholesome. If the anti-semitic chants are right, I will be disgusted, regardless of whatever context they were in. I would be just as much offended as I would be offended by someone saying f**king faggot etc, whether in a debate or being a football player and hearing the chants form the stands. Either way it is no way to engage with someone, with or without anger.

However I understand the frustration of many. The current administration don't help themselves with their disgust for the media. Cristina especially and others refuse regular and open discourse with the media that is expected and demanded of a democracy as a means of engagement and checks and balances. They scorn it. They DICTATE to them. They through their anger don't realise that the media, as their name suggests are a MEDIUM to people. You may hate the messenger but the people still want the message. When you scorn the media and ignore them, you are not answering the questions, fears, anger of your people and nation you were elected to represent. So when the average person sees you on the street and not in your gilded tower, they are going to vent their grievances at you. It may or may not be wholesome or nice but you rejected the chance to hone that frustration by rejecting the media. You have only yourself to blame. CFK is very protected with her guards and compound in Olivos but in this case Killcof was not and he heard the voice of the population as much as it was unedited and unwholesome.

I feel sorry for his family but in many ways his actions and the actions of the administration he has given loyalty too has caused this event.
First of all, my Spanish is not great. Can someone confirm to me whether or not Killcof traveled in economy or not?

To start, the whole thing is a bit unwholesome. If the anti-semitic chants are right, I will be disgusted, regardless of whatever context they were in. I would be just as much offended as I would be offended by someone saying f**king faggot etc, whether in a debate or being a football player and hearing the chants form the stands. Either way it is no way to engage with someone, with or without anger.

However I understand the frustration of many. The current administration don't help themselves with their disgust for the media. Cristina especially and others refuse regular and open discourse with the media that is expected and demanded of a democracy as a means of engagement and checks and balances. They scorn it. They DICTATE to them. They through their anger don't realise that the media, as their name suggests are a MEDIUM to people. You may hate the messenger but the people still want the message. When you scorn the media and ignore them, you are not answering the questions, fears, anger of your people and nation you were elected to represent. So when the average person sees you on the street and not in your gilded tower, they are going to vent their grievances at you. It may or may not be wholesome or nice but you rejected the chance to hone that frustration by rejecting the media. You have only yourself to blame. CFK is very protected with her guards and compound in Olivos but in this case Killcof was not and he heard the voice of the population as much as it was unedited and unwholesome.

I feel sorry for his family but in many ways his actions and the actions of the administration he has given loyalty too has caused this event.

Kicillof was traveling in the tourist class, according to reports. As far as I can hear, no anti-Semitic remarks were made. Just lots of: corrupto, cagón, hijo de puta, etc.

As far as the media here, I really can't blame CFK. It really doesn't matter if she sits down for an interview with them. They're going to do their best to promote the agenda that suits them. Asking her to hang out more with the journalists from Grupo Clarín is like asking Barack Obama to have a sit down with the dolts on "Fox and Friends".
The PP are in and swinging the axe....not working so far. Same in Greece....cut cut cut...nothing left to grow when you trim the plant to the bare stem.

I don't get your point.

Seems to me the cut cut cut in Greece, disaster in Spain, overall economic crisis in Europe is caused by centralization by Euro bureaucrats working with bankers to consolidate power and money respectively. Looks like some kind of -ism to me - pick your poison.

What we are not seeing anywhere in the world is free markets that throughout history are proven to lead to greater economic equality and prosperity for all. What we have all over the world with their various -isms is politicians and their bureaucrats who have never made a payroll in their life dictating social medicine called austerity that only benefits those doing the looting.

As for Frenchie's idea that Argentina "innovate" by introducing electronic-only money - sounds pretty scary to me but thank you for manifesting the seeds of your views. I cannot believe how people want to throw more power into bureaucrats hands and willingly sacrifice their own and their nation's sovereignty. Frankly Frenchie, if this is the kind of thought production you are applauding in Argentina's education system then God help us all.
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Check the video.
What a contrast between Argentina and Uruguay: Mujica. So humble, my hero.

Having lived here for a month now the differance is staggering this country has managed to blow argentina out of the water in every way shape and form.

These people have manners.. I almost forgot what those were.
These people are clean.. I almost forgot what that was too.
They are quiet after 9PM.. I am enjoying uninterupted sleep again.
One Urugian is equal to two or three Argentinians at work.. they work harder and smarter.
I have not spent more than 5 minutes in a line since I have been here.
Quality of food.. check
Qaulity of life.. check
Qaulity of shopping.. check
Super markets body slam anything in Argentina..
Occasional decent surfing.. OK that does not count but is priceless.

Only draw backs...

Argentine beef is better
Argentine wine is better

But that wine is here.. so I can make due.


I forgot to mention..

Internet here is blistering fast first world class...
Power is solid...
My freaking G3 tablet and cell phone connections a way faster and more stable than any connection I ever had Peronistalandia!
Also, Uruguay are looking at increasing inflation, heading towards 10%. Imho they have a few years left in the tank before they become uncompetitve and undesirable.

That is not going to happen they are right now light years ahead of the rest of this continent, english is like every where.. they are educated off the charts compared to any nation I have been in here. The infastructure is rock solid. This is the only place on the continent I have seen excellence in practice and developing. I do not think there is another country on this continent that is in a postition to catch up especially in education. No way!