Kicillof Pays To 92% Of Bondholders, Griesa's Move Now?

From my limited understanding of economics, a big part of what caused the crisis in 2008 are the attitudes of a few rich people towards third world debt. I hope the vulture funds have no lasting impact on the world's economy. From what I understand, Argentina is isolated from the world economy, so if Argentina has issues it won't cause problems for other countries.
From my limited understanding of economics, a big part of what caused the crisis in 2008 are the attitudes of a few rich people towards third world debt. I hope the vulture funds have no lasting impact on the world's economy. From what I understand, Argentina is isolated from the world economy, so if Argentina has issues it won't cause problems for other countries.
That was the case with other crises but the 2007 crisis originated from US based debt from the the US housing bubble.

Almost all financial crises though are related to excessive debt. You have to wonder why we let the banks get away with the misery they inflict on people all over the world.
Reminds me of Argentina's game against Switzerland, at least by concept.
Unable to come up with the goods during normal time, they move into a period of 'grace', take it to the wire and deliver the goods at the 11th hour to everyone's relief.
What I understood is different: Griesa's decision is atypical to say the least (but was quite predictable too). Nada que ver con debilidad.
Well, Griesa's decision seems to be no more atypical than the US Supreme Court accepted it.

Besides, if you run any business, organisation or government, you plan for all possible outcomes of a court ruling, including that you lose. If you don't, you are incompetent.