Kirchner Rescued Argentinas Economy and help unite South America

Amargo said:
This is the army of parasites and FPV militants I was talking about. We all pay them.

Not beyond the Gral. Paz

Whom then? my grandma? All this propaganda like processes against the former dictators and human rights is not more than propaganda. Crmiminals have more human rights than working people, D'Elia can do whatever he wants, the same applies for Moyano. The dictators were judged (fairly so), yet a terrorist is Minister of Defence. No terrorist has been judged, they even become pensions from the government. Some of the desaparecidos wre having a ball in Mexico, Panama, etc. This is not justice. Justice should be applied equally to all.

Well, I never found the cities in the provinces as decayed as they are now. Mendoza, for example, used to be a proud clean, prosperous city. There is cheap building everywhere, no control of any sort. Some friends of the local caudillos are those who invest in the provinces (of course because they receive tax reductions, etc)

A shadow of its former glory.

The best legacy of Kirchner is that he can not become president again...but wouldnt wonder if the peronistas try to make his mummy govern the country again :p

Good post, one of Perry's points you didn't rebut was the economic growth accomplishments of the regime. Of course he is only looking at a few years here where Chile and Brazil growth has been going on for decades. Also its well know that the economic growth figures are being overstated just like inflation is being understated. The purpose of this is to gain political support for the regime. I won't get into the fact that the growth here probably won't last and comes with the highest level of inflation in the world. I have never seen people who are so loath to accept the facts as some of the posters here. They are living in some alternative socialist universe we are unaware of.
Amargo said:
This is the army of parasites and FPV militants I was talking about. We all pay them.

Not beyond the Gral. Paz

Whom then? my grandma? All this propaganda like processes against the former dictators and human rights is not more than propaganda. Crmiminals have more human rights than working people, D'Elia can do whatever he wants, the same applies for Moyano. The dictators were judged (fairly so), yet a terrorist is Minister of Defence. No terrorist has been judged, they even become pensions from the government. Some of the desaparecidos wre having a ball in Mexico, Panama, etc. This is not justice. Justice should be applied equally to all.

Well, I never found the cities in the provinces as decayed as they are now. Mendoza, for example, used to be a proud clean, prosperous city. There is cheap building everywhere, no control of any sort. Some friends of the local caudillos are those who invest in the provinces (of course because they receive tax reductions, etc)

A shadow of its former glory.

The best legacy of Kirchner is that he can not become president again...but wouldnt wonder if the peronistas try to make his mummy govern the country again :p

gouchobob said:
Good post, one of Perry's points you didn't rebut was the economic growth accomplishments of the regime. Of course he is only looking at a few years here where Chile and Brazil growth has been going on for decades. Also its well know that the economic growth figures are being overstated just like inflation is being understated. The purpose of this is to gain political support for the regime. I won't get into the fact that the growth here probably won't last and comes with the highest level of inflation in the world. I have never seen people who are so loath to accept the facts as some of the posters here. They are living in some alternative socialist universe we are unaware of.

And speaking of inflation, Perry ignores the contribution of wage-price-wage hikes to the unsustainable levels of inflation. It is much easier to blame evil international investors rather than acknowledge that the high wages he cites as an achievement of the present administration come with a price in terms of inflationary pressure.
Dr Dawgy I suggest that you read my posts and you will see that I have disagreed various times with government policies in regards to inflation and also believe that one of the main problems of inflationary pressure have been in the intentional weakening of the argentine peso. There is no doubt that the government can do much more in this area.

I do not understand though the lack of realism in the posters here who must surely know that Argentina suffered the worst crash in its 200 years history just 10 years ago .To come from there to what is now with all its faults is a achievement that cannot be denied.

So many presidents are elected with false promises of economic improvement and increasing workers wages but for good or bad his goals in this area have been very welcomed by the majority of Argentinas inhabitants who do not inhabitat only Barrio Norte and some wealthy barrios.

The core base of Argentina is Peronist and now with the death of Nestor Kirchner this hand will be strenghthened.

I accept what I cannot change and live with the good and bad.......
I do not understand though the lack of realism in the posters here who must surely know that Argentina suffered the worst crash in its 200 years history just 10 years ago .To come from there to what is now with all its faults is a achievement that cannot be denied.

Perry, not wanting by any means to attack you. Just my two cents.
Given the favourable economic conditions at the time NK took power...I think even the anarchists would have achieved what he did! There was only one way: up. The FPV speaks alwasy about the 'modelo'...what in the World is the modelo?????? They themselves can't even explain what it is. I am sorry, but the modelo was not having a plan, a vision and just being lucky that soya prices exploded, that due to devaluation at once Argentina became more competitive.
Amargo said:
Perry, not wanting by any means to attack you. Just my two cents.
Given the favourable economic conditions at the time NK took power...I think even the anarchists would have achieved what he did! There was only one way: up. The FPV speaks alwasy about the 'modelo'...what in the World is the modelo?????? They themselves can't even explain what it is. I am sorry, but the modelo was not having a plan, a vision and just being lucky that soya prices exploded, that due to devaluation at once Argentina became more competitive.

Bingo. The one-to-one plan made Argentine products too costly in the international market place. From soya to Malbec, Argentina was much more competitive after devaluation.
perry said:
Dr Dawgy I suggest that you read my posts and you will see that I have disagreed various times with government policies in regards to inflation and also believe that one of the main problems of inflationary pressure have been in the intentional weakening of the argentine peso. There is no doubt that the government can do much more in this area.

I do not understand though the lack of realism in the posters here who must surely know that Argentina suffered the worst crash in its 200 years history just 10 years ago .To come from there to what is now with all its faults is a achievement that cannot be denied.

So many presidents are elected with false promises of economic improvement and increasing workers wages but for good or bad his goals in this area have been very welcomed by the majority of Argentinas inhabitants who do not inhabitat only Barrio Norte and some wealthy barrios.

The core base of Argentina is Peronist and now with the death of Nestor Kirchner this hand will be strenghthened.

I accept what I cannot change and live with the good and bad.......

I agree with this statement with the caveat that Peronismo has many branches. While the future may still be Peronist, I am not at all certain it will be in the hands of Kirchner's minions.
I appreciate that clearly Argentina has made improvements since the crash. However, like Almagro says there really was no where to go but up.

You say that Argentina has the "highest wages in Latin America". What's the point of increasing wages when the price of everything goes up? What's the point of high wages for unskilled labor when the skilled make a pittance, when education is crumbling and there is no incentive to get an education as you can be a portero & make more than a doctor (or any professional actually).

And on top of everything, just imagine what more the Saints could have done with the money the K's and the rest of the penguins pocketed for themselves. <----- Which at the end of the day it the reason I can not support this regime. Don't spit on me & tell me it's raining. You can't "fix" Argentina while skimming of the top. You can't be sort of moral. You're either corrupt or your not.
perry said:
Dr Dawgy I suggest that you read my posts and you will see that I have disagreed various times with government policies in regards to inflation and also believe that one of the main problems of inflationary pressure have been in the intentional weakening of the argentine peso. There is no doubt that the government can do much more in this area.

I do not understand though the lack of realism in the posters here who must surely know that Argentina suffered the worst crash in its 200 years history just 10 years ago .To come from there to what is now with all its faults is a achievement that cannot be denied.

So many presidents are elected with false promises of economic improvement and increasing workers wages but for good or bad his goals in this area have been very welcomed by the majority of Argentinas inhabitants who do not inhabitat only Barrio Norte and some wealthy barrios.

The core base of Argentina is Peronist and now with the death of Nestor Kirchner this hand will be strenghthened.

I accept what I cannot change and live with the good and bad.......

Indeed the collapse was near total. Argentina had as many presidents in the period following the economic collapse as the United States has had in my lifetime. Perhaps the chief contribution made by Kirchner was his staying power, which lent much needed stability and order in a time of panic and near chaos. I will certainly give him that. Also if being less corrupt than those who preceded him is a virtue, than he was virtuous. Kirchner's wealth increased by 10's of millions while Menem's increased by 100's of millions.
Or as we say in AA:
''(God) grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change,
courage to change the things we can, and wisdom to know the difference."