Lanata's open letter to CFK


Sep 18, 2009
I watched this a couple of times today.
Almost akin to a Greek tragedy.
A fuming volcano simply bursting to erupt.
How he kept his cool is anyone's guess.
Lanata is not a well man, but he has no compunction in doing things his way. I only mention this as I feel that he maybe feels now that he has nothing further to lose.
After all, where is the voice of dissention now?
Where are the voices in politics in this country who are prepared to stand up and be counted?
I don't see a single one.
I'm not talking about journalists like Lanata either.
Why should it take a journalist to carry the mantle?
But no; in the end it will be the very people who take to the streets and bang their drums and pots and pans.
Of course there are many who laugh at this approach.
But I don't think many people laughed when the acorn grew into an oak tree.
Glad you mentioned this. It was a very strong statement. The guy's got chutzpah. And the finish was brutal: "Con el respeto que me impone su investidura, pero sin ningun respeto personal, me despido de usted - Jorge Lanata." Yikes.

Things are becoming alarmingly polarized. Battle lines are being drawn. I don't like it.
el_expatriado said:
Lanata rules! I'm glad someone is finally sticking it to the Ks. The fact is that Lanata in a single night is more effective than the entire opposition in the previous week.

There's an opposition?