Link for live webcast of CFK Georgetown talk

zoned out for a minute and snapped back in when she mentions Hitler?? What the hell is going on... someone tune me in please
"I don't know if there are any economists in here...and before you start to question my BS, I just want to say that I attend G20 meetings. What's that? I am asleep during those meetings? Yes, but I do not plug my ears when I sleep. If you come to Argentina, you can stay in my room and observe that I don't plug my ears when I sleep!"
It's hard to deny that she's a canny speaker and politician.
Let's face it, when was the last time a politician ACTUALLY answered a question?
syngirl said:
zoned out for a minute and snapped back in when she mentions Hitler?? What the hell is going on... someone tune me in please

Oh nothing, she's just busy changing history. A student asked her about inflation and she said, "Oh yeah, we don't have high inflation at all because if we had 24 percent inflation then the country would collapse. But contrary to popular belief, inflation doesn't matter at all even if its high. Uh Hitler!!"
one thing I have to say is wow, she's good at remembering names -- she just referred back to the girl that asked about the IMF (Nicole) and she asked that guy from Michigan's name. She'll be getting Anibal to run a check on them and make sure that the Campora sends them all the "appropriate" materials
"I'm 60, I don't remember much but I remember that that president was taken out in his pajamas....yeah, it turns me on to this day!"
'Let's take one bite at a time, as Jack the Ripper said'.........................priceless!
"I don't like the word 'tolerate'. I like the word 'accepting'. You accept others' differences...and then put them in prison or disappear them. That's much easier than tolerating!"
Cristina, it is not your place to speak on behalf of the American people. Shut the f*** up!