Lox And Bagels Anyone... Where?

Kindly explain what the "tragedy" was that "earlier this year took place in Chile at the salmon factories" I do not believe there was any human error.
The southern Pacific waters on Chile's coast are awash with a virulent,pervasive and lethal microbe.
This has been the cause of their abundant use of antibiotics to fight this toxic algae bloom.I am not aware of any other "tragedy".
Unfortunately,this abundant albeit necessary use of antibiotics has caused considerable alarm in their main customers and they have had a bad 2015 and '16.
They had a similar problem in 2007 and it took them 5 years to come back in 2012 (see Food Safety News,Ross Anderson,April 30,2012)
They have lost many customers to Norway as a result.In my view,Mother Nature has dealt them a nasty problem which is not easy to handle
If you feel that the quality of Chilean salmon was always low, you are free to think that.
However,to their credit Chilean entrepreneurial.spirit had bulit that industry from scratch to become the world's 2nd salmon exporter which is no small achievement.
Hi Noesdeayer, tons of salmon in descomposition were buried, and other tons where put into the pacific ocean with the permision of the chilean government. I read the diferent voices in the issue, and several sources of information and you mentioned one of versions. My intention with the comment I had written is not to open a debate about which were the reasons and the role of each player and the decision makers, I wanted to mention the fact that the prices went up and the quality cant be compared to the norwegian or alaskan salmons. As a matter of fact it could be interesting to open the debate in an specific post.
There is Pacific and Atlantic Salmon 2 different animals jaja
I can vouch for Smoked Salmon ... My restaurant clients in LA would buy Chilean Salmon at same prices as Norwegian Salmon and sell it as Norwegian in the Menu...!! Some would buy only Chile Salmon. Chilean Salmon under FTA has lower custom duties
At any rate the Largest Salmon growers in Chile are owned by Norwegian Co's
Following up on the Chilean salmon issue: http://www.clarin.com/sociedad/Advierten-antibioticos-chileno-generar-superbacterias_0_1607839242.html
An interesting article
It would be good to know the reasons why Norway has been able to control the bacteria as Lisbeth van der Meer of Oceana-Chile says and Chile has not.It looks like they have to work more on this end or keep on losing business.
An interesting article
It would be good to know the reasons why Norway has been able to control the bacteria as Lisbeth van der Meer of Oceana-Chile says and Chile has not.It looks like they have to work more on this end or keep on losing business.
the argentine independent recently published an article that addresses your question
An interesting article
It would be good to know the reasons why Norway has been able to control the bacteria as Lisbeth van der Meer of Oceana-Chile says and Chile has not.It looks like they have to work more on this end or keep on losing business.

Perhaps Noruega has no periodic marea roja contamination (algae floration) like Chile has had many times in the past 2002,2006, 2009 ?? Eating contaminated oysters can be fatal..!!



Dead Bivalves molluscs

The Argentine Independent article is long but quite complete.Quickly,it appears that the Chilean fish farming industry is over extended and needs to concentrate more on lowering the threat of bacterial contamination.Lowering the amount of antioxidants in their fish feed could be a good start.
My main concern in posting on this issue is to hope that Chile's entrpreneurial spirit does not take a wrong turn.I have been following it since the early '70s when they were the first in South America to begin exporting grapes.apples, pears and wine to the U.S.when it was winter there..I thought it was a smart move to chose the port of Philadelphia which needed the business at the time striking a good deal under mayor Rizzo who has an interesting personal story of his own.