Maple Syrup

A lot talk about maple syrup...Is pancake day round the corner??? :huh: :confused:
Am I the only one who doesnt like maple syrup? I find it too bitter. I prefer Aunt Jemima and lots of butter on my pancakes. Or if in Ihop, I like their butter pecan syrup.

Nope,I much prefer honey. I could live the rest of my life without maple syrup.
I've never tried Maple Syrup, but I imagine it's like this very British equivalent:
Am bringing back a 6oz bottle of organic Maple syrup which will go to the highest bidder if it survives the plane ride. You can PM me with any offer above $10US
Now you've got my hackles up - 1. ye gods you've never tried maple syrup and 2. it is nothing like golden syrup, which by the way is manna from the gods. I wish you a life full of both and then you shall be as sweet as me :rolleyes:
This will break your maple lovin' hearts
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