scotttswan said:
I doubt the military here have the power to do anything.
I'd place money on the people protesting and someone escaping via helicopter to their large swiss bank account.
I don't know why, but this quote cracked me up, the imagery. jajajaajja
I am actually leaving because as a person struggling to survive here, and not having money from the states, just escape routes, I realized that all my hope for this place was an illusion. I will miss Argentina and as me and my friend joked about, Gotham city, I wish I was young to rescue it, there is so much to do here. It' s like a huge pile of garbage on the side of a train station, and it just needs a large group of experienced organic gardeners to pick through it and make it beautiful, there is potential here. The soil is, (I still naively believe) fertile and a lot can be done. If you are mentally fit and strong, a bit of an outcast, thinker, a bit insane,have some money on the side or rescue routes, I say stay and work on making something here, build something organic, and open to everyone, free, the opposite of capitalism, Argentina is obviously begging for it. I say this cautiously because i couldn't do it. I am going home with my tail down. Learn to live without anything, that is what I learned here, I was a comfort creature all this time,even though I thought I always rebelled against that. BA made me realize how dependent I was in products and the system. I am no longer a picky eater, it's a miracle I am still a vegetarian.I am no longer a buddhist, but a skeptic, I no longer have a warm fuzzy feeling in my heart to rescue the world, because I know it will eat itself whole. Thank you BA! A little pain makes you a better person.