Mosquito Invasion

Amazingly, I don't have a problem with them in my apartment this year, but there were a few years when they were absolutely terrible.

My solution was to use the vacuum cleaner. I remember one night going around the room and sucking up about fifty of them in about ten minutes. Once I started using the vacuum, they weren't much problem. I'd occasionally use Alby's method (especially if they were buzzing around my ear when I was trying to sleep), but with the vacuum instead of the spray can. I also use a fan if necessary, as gringoexpress suggests.
No problem with them in my apartments but this last week has been crazy in every park / plaza I go to, especially in the evenings.
This year there has never been such a mosquito invasion and with it terrible risks of demgue and discomfort. I myself have been eaten alive it seems by these creatures . The reasons many say it that the government its its mad zeal to not spend money has not sprayed the city and parks as normally done . This is a public health risk and these fanatical policies are creating problems and discomfort to the argentinian population.
Next you'll blame ...... Trump.
No problem with them in my apartments but this last week has been crazy in every park / plaza I go to, especially in the evenings.
Excellent comment, the mosquitoes bite more at sunset, wear long sleeves and pants even gloves, however some can bite through socks. Spray yourselves with Off or similar. Dengue is at Portas..
They are chaquero mosquitos, they do not carry dengue....there was an article in LaNacion yesterday about this type of mosquito.
If you have the link, that would be great. My understanding was that the charquero mosquitos are around during the cooler parts of the year.
The types which plug into the electrical socket have worked well for us every year. The type with the tablets have a stronger scent. The liquid I do not smell at all.

I use the same Raid brand that plugs into the electrical socket. The Raid dispenser has three settings to choose. I also keep a box of espirales In case of a power outage. I buy the Fuyi brand, they seem to work the best.
If you have the link, that would be great. My understanding was that the charquero mosquitos are around during the cooler parts of the year.
As someone said yesterday, "the new perfume is the mosquito repellent perfume"