My 10 Commandments (Er... Suggestions) Of Ba Living

D.B. Cooper

Oct 7, 2012
Thou shalt not carry wallet or cell phone in back pocket.

Thou shalt not pay a cab fare with a 100 pesos bill. (Unless you can read off the last 4 digits of the bill)

Thou shalt not allow "friendly natives" to clean that ketchup, mustard, bird drop stain on my clothes. (Run for your life)

Thou shalt not text while walking or crossing an intersection. (In certain neighborhoods)

Thou shalt not smoke weed in public.

Thou shalt not leave bags, nap sacks, backpacks, handbags, unattended. Not for a second.

Thou shalt not flourish money about in public, nor wear expensive looking jewelry. (In certain neighborhoods)

Thou shalt not leave credit card inside ATM machine after withdrawing cash. (I've returned three of these already !!!)

Thou shalt not leave the house without photo ID or a xerox of passport. (Stuff happens.)

Thou shalt not accept phone calls from anyone in prison. (Unless you actually know someone who's in prison)

So I already broke the last commandment and stupidly accepted a call from someone in prison. It happened a few months ago. What's going to happen to me? My phone bill has been ok since....
So I already broke the last commandment and stupidly accepted a call from someone in prison. It happened a few months ago. What's going to happen to me? My phone bill has been ok since....

You will get a call asking for ransom ...!!!
Can you be more specific? How does the whole scam work? Why do they call first from the prison? To ascertain if the person is a soft touch? Why can't they call any number and ask for ransom. It's not like I gave out any personal details....
What's with the weed smoking one? 8am this morning I walked past a guy sitting, smoking a joint on the street. The smell of it was so strong I could smell it half a block before I came across the culprit!
All of the rest of them seem to be about right.

Thou shalt not follow the written road rules (but have to learn a complex set of unwritten rules instead!)

(PS I love Buenos Aires, have lots of positive things to say about it too but I post those in another thread)