My 10 Commandments (Er... Suggestions) Of Ba Living

These sound like reasonable precautions for big city living anywhere. How about some suggestions that are specific to Buenos Aires...

Thou shalt watch the ground when walking so as to not soil thy shoes.

Only one eye on the ground for doggie deposits you need the other one scanning left and right to watch for maniac traffic

Finest example so far of Darwinian evolution to the Buenos Aires environment .... Homo Patagonas


I anticipate the next stage of evolution is a third eye in the back of one's head - watching for motochurros
no, Argentine females are so incredible hysterical, they all seems to have a problem with their self-esteem, are looking for a big daddy that pays all their bills and resolve their problems. I'm talking about females with a good job, who studied and from a distance don't look to be problematic.
And, besides, they pretend to be pretty and sensual but now back in Colombia I may say: there's no place on earth with so many gorgeous, sensual women as in Colombia. And uncomplicated too.
I would say: Thou shall drink in public, but thou shall not cover bottle in bag. (Remember, there are no open bottle laws in BsAs, so drink away).
Thou shall avoid dealing with banks or any type of public services like the postal service, government agencies etc etc.
no, Argentine females are so incredible hysterical, they all seems to have a problem with their self-esteem, are looking for a big daddy that pays all their bills and resolve their problems. I'm talking about females with a good job, who studied and from a distance don't look to be problematic.
And, besides, they pretend to be pretty and sensual but now back in Colombia I may say: there's no place on earth with so many gorgeous, sensual women as in Colombia. And uncomplicated too.

So now you tell me, how about not before I got hooked up with an Argentina B)

I love that word sensual.

Mariano you have a nice apartment full of these 10/10 colombian I might swing by for some couch surfing :D