OK This is good, since I agree with much of what you're saying. I believe Ukraine did the right thing in not submitting to the EU's blackmail.
That said, there's a huge difference between Ukraine and say, Spain. (btw, I'm not really European, so my point is not jingoism.) Ukraine and Spain both have massive unemployment, and both are suffering from counter-prouctive austerity. But in Spain this is a recent phenomenon, since up until recently Spaniards had successfully defened social safety nets like unemployment insurance, health care, etc. Only now are they being dismantled. Meanwhile Ukraine has been undergoing the same process since at least the 90's and it's finally starting to reach a boiling-over point. Spain, Portugal, Italy could very well be Ukraine in a decade or so, and Greece even sooner, but there are fortunately still stop-gaps (besides just oppressive regimes) in those countries that are keeping their societies from coming completely undone for the time being.