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great info if true, and worth corroborating. Of the points by bajo that I strongly object to:I strongly disagree with this line of
- the personal smear against Nisman, primarily that he lived beyond his officially declared means;
- the smear against his work, that his work was illegal or criminal in some way:
- that his making use of the recordings (declassified, now that he's gone) was illegal/criminal;
- that disclosing his work before congress is (or would have been) illegal/criminal;
- that even if his allegations were true, because of supposed executive immunity, it was all pointless (and therefore, it follows, a waste of time and taxpayer money. I wonder if the same would apply to an investigation that bajo sympathizes with, say of Videla during the period when he was covered by a pardon). In other words, that the prosecutor has no business uncovering abuse of authority - even when that abuse is egregious enough to create a national scandal: a tough bar, at least here.
- All of which - the allegations against him personally, and against his work - translates into the insinuation that Mr. Nisman was operating beyond his area of authority, competence and the law. It turns him from a hero into a shadowy figure and points to the vague conclusion that if not that he deserved his fate, at the least he had it coming to him to some extent.
attackreasoning, it desecrates his memory - by most indications, the memory of a victim and hero. At this point it seems clear that he was fighting for the truth, and that the truth was scandalous enough to make hiding it worth committing murder.
According with this article they get about 60.000 pesos:
However, I saw the working receip of one 2 years ago and the basic was 13.000 pesos.
Art. 197 of the criminal code punish with until 4 years of jail the illegal phone-tapping.
Here a website readed by judges and lawyers analized the situation and their conclution is that he broke the law of National Intellegence:
ARTICULO 42. — Será reprimido con prisión de un mes a dos años e innabilitación especial por doble tiempo, si no resultare otro delito más severamente penado, el que participando en forma permanente o transitoria de las tareas reguladas en la presente ley, indebidamente interceptare, captare o desviare comunicaciones telefónicas, postales, de telégrafo o facsímil, o cualquier otro sistema de envío de objetos o transmisión de imágenes, voces o paquetes de datos, así como cualquier otro tipo de información, archivo, registros y/o documentos privados o de entrada o lectura no autorizada o no accesible al público que no le estuvieren dirigidos.
ARTICULO 43. — Será reprimido con prisión de tres meses a un año y medio e inhabilitación especial por doble tiempo, si no resultare otro delito más severamente penado, el que con orden judicial y estando obligado a hacerlo, omitiere destruir o borrar los soportes de las grabaciones, las copias de las intervenciones postales, cablegráficas, de facsímil o de cualquier otro elemento que permita acreditar el resultado de las interceptaciones, captaciones o desviaciones.
Clarin published that the judge authorized the phone interception but later, they erase the article:
While the judge asserted that he did not:
But also asserted that Nisman didn't have the power to start an investigation neither for choosing a judge he likes more to make the complaint. He has to do the compaint at the chamber and they assign a judge by lottery.
I don't attack him. I'm a criminal lawyer and I analized the case as one: looking for all the violation of the due process that shows that something is rotten.
In western societies there is a concept called due process and this is what makes a difference us from the "justice" of ISIS.
One of the rules is that there is a natural judge, it means, a judge assigned by a procedure established by the law before the crime happend. Nisman by passed this basic rule of law starting an investigation like he was the judge, and then presenting the case before the judge he liked more. This is called forum shopping and it is no less than illegal.
The point is that the judge didn know that Nisman was phone-tapping this people and it means that all this cds cannot even be heard because this was illegal phone-tapping.
The judge Canicoba Corral thinks that the case has to be dismissed.
What everybody agree is that Nisman didn't lead the investigation, the secret services did, and this is how things finish when this kind of things happends.
A hero? I disagree. He was used and he is dead. He is a victim.