Nisman Dead!

Now the audi is officially under investigation:

And the luxury appartment of Nisman too as I pointed a few days ago.
Capitanich polémico: ahora dijo que lo medios "quieren tapar la estabilidad cambiaria"
[background=rgb(252, 252, 255)] Por decreto PEN 787/03 y 291/03, el Fiscal General Especial (Nisman) tenía plenos poderes para solicitar intervenciones telefónicas[/background]
Hey we don't we send the team that investigated the Kennedy assassination .... i'm sure they'll come up with something clear and precise
prolijito prolijito eh ;)
Now the audi is officially under investigation:

And the luxury appartment of Nisman too as I pointed a few days ago.

An old trick ... hahahah Disqualify the Accusser

If Nisman was corrupt and had a car and apt. provided by dubious characters ... We must conclude then that his Complaint against CFK and Others, has NO validity???
An old trick ... hahahah Disqualify the Accusser

If Nisman was corrupt and had a car and apt. provided by dubious characters ... We must conclude then that his Complaint against CFK and Others, has NO validity???

Well, the complaint never was valid. First, there is no crime commited in the long complaint. Even if we imagine that all the facts are true, it was done through a law. It is a political matter that cannoy be judged. Second, Illegal phone-tapping invalids a criminal case. Third, to make the compaint before any judge instead of the judga of the AMIA case is also illegal.

The AMIA case was since the beggining like this because the main problem is that the principal suspect is the former President Menem. If you see who is under prosecution in that case: former head of the secret service for boycoting the investigation, among others.
[background=rgb(252, 252, 255)]Por decreto PEN 787/03 y 291/03, el Fiscal General Especial (Nisman) tenía plenos poderes para solicitar intervenciones telefónicas[/background]


I know you like decrees that violate civil rights, but the reality is that he needs the order of a judge for phone-tapping because there is something you don like called Constitucion Nacional that is very clear about that.